Additional Resources

This page contains a curated list of resources on the history of the New Mexico Constitution. To the extent possible, links are to publicly accessible copies of the sources listed. Where that is not possible, the link directs to an online database.


Dorothy I. Cline, New Mexico’s 1910 Constitution: A 19th Century Product (1985)

Charles E. Smith, The New Mexico Constitution (2011)

Charles E. Smith, The New Mexico Constitution: A Reference Guide (1996)


Thomas C. Donnelly, The Making of the New Mexico Constitution (Part I), 11 N.M. Q. 452 (1941)

Thomas C. Donnelly, The Making of the New Mexico Constitution (Part II), 12 N.M. Q. 435 (1942)

Thomas J. Mabry, New Mexico’s Constitution in the Making–Reminiscences of 1910 (1944), 19 N.M. Hist. Rev. 168 (1944)

David L. Robbins, Constituting America: New Mexico

Linda M. Vanzi & Mark T. Baker, Independent Analysis and Interpretation of the New Mexico Constitution: If Not Now, When?, 53 N.M. L. REV. 1 (2023)

Linda M. Vanzi, Andrew G. Schultz, & Melanie B. Stambaugh, State Constitutional Litigation in New Mexico: All Shield and No Sword, 48 N.M. L. REV. 302 (2018)

Robert F. Williams, New Mexico Constitutional Law Comes of Age, 28 N.M. L. Rev. 379 (1998)

Convention Records

Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the Proposed State of New Mexico (1910)

Legislative Publications

Piecemeal Amendment of the Constitution of New Mexico Since 1911

Constitutional Amendments: Arguments For and Against (2001-Present)

Additional Databases

New Mexico Archives New Mexico Constitution Collection