Section 10.
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No transportation or transmission company of common carrier shall charge or receive any
greater compensation, in the aggregate, for the transportation as intrastate commerce, of
passengers, or a like kind of property, or for the transmission of the same kind of message,
between points in this State, for a shorter than a longer distance, over the same line or route in
the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer distance; but this section shall
not be construed as authorizing any such company or common carrier to charge or receive as,
great compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance: Provided, That telegraph and telephone
companies may in certain cases, with the approval of the commission, base their charges upon
the air-line distances instead of the distances actually traveled by the messages. The commission
may from time to time authorize any such company or common carrier to disregard the foregoing
provisions of this section, by charging such rates as the commission may prescribe as just and
equitable between such company or common carrier and the public, to or from any junction or
competitive points, or localities, or where the competition of points located without or within this
State may necessitate the prescribing of special rates for the protection of the commerce of this
State, or in cases of general epidemics, pestilence, calamitous visitations, and other exigencies.
This section shall not apply to mileage tickets or to special excursion or commutation rates; or to
special rates for services rendered in the interest of any public or charitable object, when such
tickets or rates shall have been prescribed or authorized by the commission, nor shall it apply to
special rates for services rendered to the United States or this State.