Section 6.
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Subject to the provisions of this constitution, and of such requirements, rules, and regulations
as may be prescribed by law, the State corporation commission shall be the department of
government through which shall be issued all charters for domestic corporations and
amendments or extensions thereof, and all licenses to foreign corporations to do business in this
State; and through which shall be carried out all the provisions of this constitution relating to
corporations and the laws made in pursuance thereof. The commission shall prescribe the form of
all reports which may be required of corporations by this constitution or by law, and shall collect,
receive, and preserve such reports, and annually tabulate and publish them. All fees required by
law to be paid for the filing of articles of incorporation, reports, and other documents shall be
collected by the commission and paid into the State treasury, All charters, papers, and documents
relating to corporations on file in the office of the secretary of the Territory, the commissioner of
insurance, and all other Territorial offices shall be transferred to the office of the commission.