Article V.
Executive Department

Section 1. Composition of department; terms of office of members; residing and maintaining records at seat of government

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Composition of department; terms of office of members; residing and maintaining records at seat of government

The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and commissioner of public lands, who shall, unless otherwise provided in the constitution of New Mexico, be elected for terms of four years beginning on the first day of January next after their election. The governor and lieutenant governor shall be elected jointly by the casting by each voter of a single vote applicable to both offices.
Such officers shall, after having served two terms in a state office, be ineligible to hold that state office until one full term has intervened.
The officers of the executive department, except the lieutenant governor, shall during their terms of office, reside and keep the public records, books, papers and seals of office at the seat of government.
Upon the adoption of this amendment by the people, the terms provided for in this section shall apply to those officers elected at the general election in 1990 and all state executive officers elected thereafter.

Composition of department; terms of office of members; residing and maintaining records at seat of government

The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and commissioner of public lands, who shall, unless otherwise provided in the constitution of New Mexico, be elected for the term of four years beginning on the first day of January next after their election. The governor and lieutenant governor shall be elected jointly by the casting by each voter of a single vote applicable to both offices.
Such officers shall, after having served one term, be ineligible to hold any state office until one full term has intervened, except that the lieutenant governor may be eligible to hold the office of the governor.
The officers of the executive department, except the lieutenant governor, shall during their terms of office, reside and keep the public records, books, papers and seals of office at the seat of government.
Upon the adoption of this amendment by the people, the terms provided for in this section shall apply to those officers elected at the general election in 1970 and all state executive officers elected thereafter. Provided, no person who has been elected to a state executive office prior to the adoption of this amendment for two successive terms shall again be eligible to hold the same office unless one full term has intervened; provided, further, the commissioner of public lands, the attorney general and state treasurer, elected to a two-year term in 1968, are eligible to hold the office of commissioner of public lands, the attorney general or the state treasurer, respectively, for one four-year term following his present term, but thereafter shall not again be eligible to hold the office of commissioner of public lands, attorney general or state treasurer, respectively, until one full term has intervened.

Composition of department; terms of office of members; residing and maintaining records at seat of government

The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and commissioner of public lands, who shall, unless otherwise provided in the constitution of New Mexico, be elected for the term of two years beginning on the first day of January next after their election. The governor and lieutenant governor shall be elected jointly by the casting by each voter of a single vote applicable to both offices.
Such officers shall, after having served two consecutive terms be ineligible to hold any state office for two years thereafter.
The officers of the executive department, except the lieutenant governor, shall, during their terms of office, reside and keep the public records, books, papers and seals of office at the seat of government.

Composition of department; terms of office of members; residing and maintaining records at seat of government

The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, attorney general and commissioner of public lands who shall, unless otherwise provided in the constitution of New Mexico be elected for the term of two years beginning on the first day of January next after their election.
Such officers shall, after having served two consecutive terms be ineligible to hold office for two years thereafter.
The officers of the executive department except the lieutenant governor, shall during their term of office, reside and keep the public records, books, papers and seals of office at the seat of government.

Composition of department; terms of office of members; residing and maintaining records at seat of government

The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney-general, superintendent of public instruction and Commissioner or [of] public lands, who shall be elected for the term of two years beginning on the first day of January next after their election.
Such officers shall, after having served two consecutive terms, be ineligible to hold any state office for two years thereafter.
The officers of the executive department except the lieutenant-governor, shall during their terms of office, reside and keep the public records, books, papers and seals of office at the seat of government.

Composition of department; terms of office of members; residing and maintaining records at seat of government

The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, State auditor, State treasurer, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction, and commissioner of public lands, who shall be elected for the term of four years beginning on the first day of January next after their election.
Such officers, except the commissioner of public lands and superintendent of public instruction, shall be ineligible to succeed themselves after serving one full term. The officers of the executive department except the lieutenant governor, shall, during their terms of office, reside and keep the public records, books, papers, and seals of office at the seat of government.

Redlined Comparison between 1961 and 1970 Amendment (includes interim changes)

Removed from 1961 Added to 1970
