Article IV.
Legislative Department

Section 9. Selection and compensation of officers and employees

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Selection and compensation of officers and employees

The Legislature shall select its own officers and employees and fix their compensation. Each House shall have one chaplain, one chief clerk. and one sergeant-at-arms; and there shall be one assistant chief clerk and one assistant sergeant-at-arms for each House: and each House may employ such enrolling clerks, reading clerks, stenographers, janitors and such subordinate employees in addition to those enumerated, as they may reasonably require and their compensation shall be fixed by the said Legislature at the beginning of each session.

Selection and compensation of officers and employees

The legislature shall choose its own officers and employees and fix their compensation, but the number and compensation shall never exceed the following: For each house, one chaplain at three dollars per day; one chief clerk and one sergeant-at-arms, each at six dollars per day, one assistant chief clerk and one assistant sergeant at arms, each at five dollars per day; two enrolling clerks and two reading clerks, each at five dollars per day; six stenographers for the senate and eight for the house, each at six dollars per day; and such subordinate employees in addition to the above as they may require, but the aggregate compensation of such additional employees shall not exceed twenty dollars per day for the senate and thirty dollars per day for the house.

Redlined Comparison between 1912 and 1948 Amendment

Removed from 1912 Added to 1948
