Article IV.
Legislative Department

Section 5. Time and length of sessions; items considered in even-numbered years

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Time and length of sessions; items considered in even-numbered years

A. Each regular session of the legislature shall begin annually at 12:00 noon on the third Tuesday of January. Every regular session of the legislature convening during an odd-numbered year shall remain in session not to exceed sixty days, and every regular session of the legislature convening during an even-numbered year shall remain in session not to exceed thirty days. No special session of the legislature shall exceed thirty days.
B. Every regular session of the legislature convening during an even-numbered year shall consider only the following:
(1) budgets, appropriations and revenue bills;
(2) bills drawn pursuant to special messages of the governor; and
(3) bills of the last previous regular session vetoed by the governor.

Time and length of sessions; items considered in even-numbered years

Each regular session of the legislature shall begin at 12:00 noon on the second Tuesday of January next after each general election and shall remain in session not to exceed sixty days. No special session of the legislature shall exceed thirty days.

Time and length of sessions; items considered in even-numbered years

Each regular session of the legislature shall begin at 12:00 noon on the second Tuesday of January next after each general election and shall remain in session not to exceed sixty days. Such session shall be divided into a first term of thirty days and a second term of thirty days, with a recess of thirty days between such terms. During the first term, all bills to be considered at the session shall be introduced, read not more than twice by title or in full, printed, and referred to the appropriate committee. No bill shall be placed upon its third reading or finally passed during its first term, except appropriations for expenses of the legislature and such measures as shall be submitted for immediate legislative action by the Governor accompanied by a special message setting forth the facts making such action necessary for the general welfare. During the second term of such session, all bills introduced at the first term shall stand for final action at the second term. Notwithstanding any provision of any section of this constitution to the contrary, no bill shall be introduced at the second term except appropriations for expenses of the legislature, the general appropriations bill, bills to provide for the current expenses of the Government, committee substitutes for bills introduced at the first term, and such measures as may be submitted by the Governor, accompanied by a special message showing necessity for legislative action. The members of the legislature shall be allowed their mileage for attending both the first and second terms of the legislature. No special session of the legislature shall exceed thirty days.

Time and length of sessions; items considered in even-numbered years

The first session of the legislature shall begin at twelve o'clock, noon, on the day specified in the proclamation of the governor. Subsequent sessions shall begin at twelve o'clock. noon, on the second Tuesday of January next after each general election. No regular session shall exceed sixty days, except the first, which may be ninety days, and no special session shall exceed thirty days.

Redlined Comparison between 1912 and 1964 Amendment (includes interim changes)

Removed from 1912 Added to 1964
