See Full Constitution
Article V

Section 2A. Residence requirements in case of intrastate removal; election of President and Vice-President of United States; qualifications

The General Assembly shall extend to any elector in the state who shall have changed his or her residence from one county, hundred, or election district to another, but who has not resided therein for a sufficient time so as to be eligible to vote in the county, hundred or election district to which he or she has removed, the right to vote for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, but for no other offices, provided such citizen would have been eligible to vote within this State had he or she not moved, and provided that he or she is not entitled to vote for the choice of electors for President or Vice-President of the United States in any other place and provided further that such citizen would be an otherwise qualified voter under this Constitution except that he or she has not resided in his or her county, hundred or election district for a sufficient length of time.