The Delaware Constitution

Through Divine goodness, all people have by nature the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences, of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring and protecting reputation and property, and in general of obtaining objects suitable to their condition, without injury by one to another; and as these rights are essential to their welfare, for due exercise thereof, power is inherent in them; and therefore all just authority in the institutions of political society is derived from the people, and established with their consent, to advance their happiness; and they may for this end, as circumstances require, from time to time, alter their Constitution of government.

Section 1
Last Amended 1999

Freedom of religion

Section 2

Religious test for office not required

Section 3

Free and equal elections

Section 4

Trial by jury

Section 5
Last Amended 1999

Freedom of press and speech; evidence in libel prosecutions; jury questions

Section 6

Searches and seizures

Section 7
Last Amended 1999

Procedural rights in criminal prosecutions; jury trial; self-incrimination; deprivation of life, liberty or property

Section 8
Last Amended 1999

Prosecution by indictment or information; double jeopardy; just compensation for property

Section 9
Last Amended 1999

Courts shall be open; remedy for injury; suits against State

Section 10

Suspension of laws by General Assembly

Section 11

Excessive bail or fines; cruel punishments; health of prisoners

Section 12

Right to bail; access to accused

Section 13

Suspension of habeas corpus

Section 14

Commission of oyer and terminer, or jail delivery

Section 15

Corruption of blood; forfeiture; descent of suicide's estate

Section 16

Right of assembly; petition for redress of grievances

Section 17

Standing army; necessity for legislative consent; subordination of military

Section 18

Prohibition against quartering soldiers in homes

Section 19

Hereditary distinctions; holding office during good behavior; offices and titles from foreign states

Section 20
Last Amended 2010

Right to keep and bear arms

Section 21
Last Amended 2021

Equal rights

Reserve Clause

Section 1

General Assembly to hold legislative power; composition

Section 2

Composition of House and Senate; terms of office; districts; election

Section 2A

Additional representative districts

Section 2B

Delegates to Constitutional Convention

Section 3
Last Amended 2023

Qualifications of members; commencement of terms of members

Section 4
Last Amended 2023

Time and frequency of sessions

Section 5
Last Amended 2018

Place of meeting

Section 6

Vacancies; tenure of office of persons elected to fill

Section 7
Last Amended 1999

President pro tempore, Speaker and other officers; absence of presiding officers

Section 8

Each House as judge of elections and qualifications of its members; quorum; adjournments; compelling attendance

Section 9

Rules; punishment and expulsion of members; scope of powers

Section 10

Journals; publication; entry of yeas and nays; passage of bills and resolutions

Section 11

Accessibility to each House and Committees of the Whole

Section 12

Consent of each House to adjournment

Section 13

Immunity from arrest and questioning of speeches

Section 14

Holding dual office or having interest in army or navy contract

Section 15

Compensation, expenses and allowances of members

Section 16

Restriction of bills and resolutions to one subject; expression in title; exception

Section 17

Lotteries and other gambling

Section 17A

Bingo games; organizations authorized to conduct; submission to referendum; districts; regulation; penalties

Section 17B

Lotteries not under State control; organizations authorized to conduct; submission to referendum; districts; regulation; penalties

Section 18

Divorce or alimony

Section 19

Local or special laws relating to fences, livestock, ditches, school districts, and roads, highways, streets, etc.

Section 20
Last Amended 1999

Disclosure of personal or private interest of legislator in any pending measure

Section 21

Conviction of crime as ban to public office

Section 22
Last Amended 1999

Bribery of executive, judicial or legislative officers

Section 23

Statutes as public laws unless otherwise declared

Section 24
Repealed 2023


Section 25

Laws permitting zoning ordinances and use of land

Section 1

Governor to be supreme executive

Section 2

Election of Governor

Section 3
Last Amended 1999

Election returns, publications; election by General Assembly

Section 4
Last Amended 1999

Contested elections of Governor or Lieutenant-Governor

Section 5
Last Amended 1999

Term of office

Section 6
Last Amended 1999


Section 7
Last Amended 1999


Section 8
Last Amended 1999

Governor as commander-in-chief of state armed forces

Section 9
Last Amended 2011

Appointing power; recess appointments; confirmation

Section 10
Last Amended 1999

Secretary of State; appointment, term, duties and compensation

Section 11
Last Amended 1999

County officers; qualifications; members of Congress, federal employees and other officers holding dual office

Section 12


Section 13
Last Amended 1999

Removal of officers by Governor; procedure

Section 14

Reports from executive departments

Section 15
Last Amended 1999

Messages to General Assembly

Section 16
Last Amended 1999

Special sessions of General Assembly; adjournment; special session of Senate

Section 17
Last Amended 1999

Execution of laws

Section 18
Last Amended 2023

Approval or veto of bills, orders, resolutions or votes; repassage over veto

Section 19
Last Amended 1999

Lieutenant-Governor; election, term and qualifications; President of the Senate; compensation

Section 20
Last Amended 2023

Vacancy in offices of both Governor and Lieutenant-Governor; officers eligible to act; disability of Governor

Section 21

Election and term of office for certain state officers

Section 22
Last Amended 2001

Election and term of office of certain county officers; commission

Section 23
Last Amended 2001

Place of office of certain county officers

Section 24
Last Amended 2023

Date of commencement of terms of certain State and County elective officers

Section 1
Last Amended 2005

Creation of courts

Section 2
Last Amended 2010

Justices of Supreme Court and other State Judges; qualifications; residence; precedence

Section 3
Last Amended 2017

Appointment of judges; terms of office; vacancies; political representation; confirmation of appointment

Section 4
Last Amended 2010

Compensation of judges; method of payment; receipt of other fees or holding other office

Section 5

Composition of Superior Court; presiding judge; quorum

Section 6
Last Amended 2005

Sessions of Superior Court

Section 7

Jurisdiction of Superior Court

Section 7A
Last Amended 2005

Jurisdiction of Family Court

Section 7B
Last Amended 2005

Jurisdiction of Court of Common Pleas

Section 8
Last Amended 2005

Definitions of particular terms

Section 9
Last Amended 2005


Section 10

Composition and jurisdiction of Court of Chancery; initiation and decisions in causes and proceedings

Section 11
Last Amended 2015

Jurisdiction of Supreme Court

Section 12
Last Amended 1994

Composition of Supreme Court; designation of temporary Justices; quorum; opening and adjourning court

Section 13
Last Amended 2007

Administrative head of courts; supervisory powers; designation of judges to sit in Court of Chancery, or the Superior Court

Section 14
Last Amended 2007

Power of law judges to grant restraining orders and preliminary injunctions

Section 15

Judges ad litem; limitation and expiration of commission; compensation; persons not disqualified

Section 16

Scope of jurisdiction and process; costs

Section 17
Last Amended 2005

Jurisdictional changes by General Assembly; appeals to Supreme Court

Section 18
Last Amended 2007

Powers of Chancellor, Vice-Chancellors and Judges

Section 19

Instructions to jury

Section 20

Trial by court of issues of fact in civil causes

Section 21

Amendments in civil pleadings and proceedings by Superior Court; examination of witnesses and parties

Section 22
Last Amended 1999

Payment into court pending action for debt or damages; costs

Section 23
Last Amended 1999

Survival of action; executor or administrator as party; continuance

Section 24
Last Amended 1999

Security for stay of proceedings on appeal or writ of error

Section 25
Last Amended 2001

Chief Register in Chancery: appointment; powers and duties

Section 26
Last Amended 1999

Prothonotary as Clerk of Superior Court; powers and duties; entry of testatum fieri facias

Section 27
Last Amended 1999

Clerk of Supreme Court; term of office and compensation

Section 28

Criminal jurisdiction of inferior courts and justices of the peace; regulation of jurisdiction; indictment; jury trial; appeals

Section 29
Last Amended 2013

Justices of the Peace; term of office; powers of the Chief Magistrate and Justices of the Peace

Section 30
Last Amended 2010

Justices of the Peace, Chief Magistrate, and judges of legislative courts; appointment by Governor; terms of office

Section 31
Last Amended 2005

Registers of Wills; depositions of witnesses; process; appeals to Court of Chancery; disqualification of Register for interest

Section 32
Last Amended 1999

Adjustment and settlement of executors' and administrators' accounts; notice; hearing of exceptions in Court of Chancery; transfer of jurisdiction; appeals

Section 33

Style of process and public acts; prosecutions in name of State

Section 34
Last Amended 2007

Continuation in office and designation of certain judicial officers

Section 34A
Last Amended 2007

Continuation in office and designation of judicial officers of the Family Court and the Court of Common Pleas

Section 35

Proceedings pending at time of 1951 amendment; books, records and papers; effect of amended article on Court of Chancery

Section 36
Last Amended 2005


Section 37
Last Amended 2017

Court on the Judiciary

Section 38
Last Amended 2007

Retired Judges and Justices; temporary assignment

Section 39
Last Amended 2001

Senior judges

Section 1

Time and manner of holding general election

Section 2
Last Amended 2023

Qualifications for voting; members of the Armed Services of the United States stationed within State; persons disqualified; forfeiture of right

Section 2A
Last Amended 1999

Residence requirements in case of intrastate removal; election of President and Vice-President of United States; qualifications

Section 2B
Last Amended 1999

Residence requirements of persons from other states; election of President and Vice-President of United States; qualifications

Section 3
Last Amended 1999

Influencing voter; loss of vote; challenge; oath and affirmation; perjury

Section 4
Last Amended 2007

Registration of voters; days for registration; application to strike name from list; appeals; registration as prerequisite for voting

Section 4A

General laws for absentee voting

Section 4B

Uniform laws for absentee registration

Section 5

Electors privileged from arrest; exceptions

Section 6

Voting machine recording tapes, voting machine certificate, and absentee ballots; delivery to Prothonotary; duties and composition of court; quorum

Section 7

Election offenses; penalties; self-incrimination

Section 8
Last Amended 1999

Prosecution for election offenses; procedure; appeal; bond

Section 9

Enumeration of election offenses as limitation on power of General Assembly

Section 1
Last Amended 1999

Impeachment power of House; trial by Senate; oath of Senators; vote; presiding officers

Section 2

Grounds for impeachment

Section 3


Section 1
Last Amended 1999

Power of Governor; recommendation of Board of Pardons; entry in register and submission to General Assembly

Section 2

Composition of Board of Pardons

Section 3

Information from Attorney General on Board's duties

Section 1

Uniformity of taxes; collection under general laws; exemption for public welfare purposes

Section 2

Revenue bills to originate in House; amendments by Senate; restriction on definition; exclusion of unrelated matter

Section 3
Last Amended 2023

Borrowing money; specification of purpose; surplus borrowed money

Section 4
Last Amended 2023

Restrictions on loan of public money or bonds and credit of State

Section 5

Capitation tax; uniformity; use

Section 6

Procedure in withdrawal and payment of public moneys; annual publication of receipts and expenditures; limitation upon appropriations

Section 7

Real estate assessments; inclusion of values

Section 8

Lending credit, appropriating money to or becoming interested in any private corporation, person or company by county or municipality

Section 9

Retroactive increase of taxation of personal income

Section 10

Limitation on increase of rate of taxes and license fees; exception to meet obligation under faith and credit pledge; allocation of public moneys to meet such obligation if revenues are not sufficient to meet such pledge

Section 11

Imposition or levy of new taxes or license fees

Section 12

The Transportation Trust Fund; use and restrictions

Section 1

Creation, amendment, renewal or revival by general law; exceptions; revocation or forfeitures of charters; requisites for enactment of corporation laws

Section 2

Acceptance of Constitution by existing corporations as prerequisite for amendment or renewal of charter

Section 3
Repealed 2004


Section 4

Rights, privileges, immunities and estates

Section 5

Designation, by foreign corporation, of agent for service of process

Section 6

Taxation of stock owned by persons or corporations without the State

Section 1

Establishment and maintenance of free public schools; attendance

Section 2
Last Amended 1995

Annual appropriations; apportionment; use of funds; separation of schools; other expenses

Section 3

Use of educational funds by religious schools; exemption of school property from taxation

Section 4

Use of Public School Fund

Section 5

Transportation of nonpublic school students

Section 6

Property tax; use limitations

Section 1

State Board of Agriculture

Section 2

Composition of Board; residence of Commissioners; quorum

Section 3

Appointment of Commissioners by Governor; tenure; vacancies

Section 4

Abatement and prevention of diseases of fruit trees, plants, vegetables, cereals and livestock

Section 5

Plans for securing immigration of industrious and useful settlers

Section 6

Compensation of Board members

Section 7

Duration of Board

Section 1
Repealed 1995


Section 1

Submission of liquor question to district electors; election

Section 2

Designation of districts for purposes of article

Section 3

Laws for enforcement, manufacture and sale, and penalties

Section 1

Form of oath for members of General Assembly and public officers

Section 1

Conservators of the peace

Section 2

Receipt for fees

Section 3

Costs on bill returned ignoramus or on acquittal

Section 4
Last Amended 1999

Extension of term of public officer; diminution of salary or emoluments

Section 5

Officers to hold office until successors qualify

Section 6

Behavior of officers; removal for misbehavior or infamous crime

Section 7
Last Amended 2022

Offenses excepted from prohibition against prosecuting by information and jury trial

Section 8

Interest of member or officer of department in contracts for supplies or services of department prohibited

Section 9

Prefixing Constitution to codification of laws

Section 10

Disqualification to hold office by reason of sex

Section 1
Last Amended 2023

Proposal and concurrence of Constitutional amendments in General Assembly; procedure

Section 2
Last Amended 1999

Constitutional Conventions; procedure; compensation of delegates; quorum; powers and duties; vacancies

Section 3

Receiving, tallying and counting votes for or against Convention; return of vote; enabling legislation

Section 4

Approval of bills or resolutions under this article; exemption from Article III, section 18

Section 5

Separate ballots on question of Convention

Section 1
Last Amended 2018

Continuity of state and local governmental operations in periods of emergency

That no inconvenience may arise from the amendments of the Constitution of this State, and in order to carry the same into complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordained as follows:

Section 1
Last Amended 1999

Delivery, filing and publication of enrolled copy of amended Constitution and Schedule

Section 2

Effective date of amended Constitution

Section 3

Effect on offices of Senators and Representatives; election

Section 4
Repealed 2023


Section 5

Date of first general election

Section 6

Effect on Governor's term

Section 7

Continuation of elective and appointive offices; election of successors; renewal of official obligations

Section 8
Repealed 2023


Section 9

Date of abolition of courts and judicial offices; transfer of pending proceedings and books, records and papers

Section 10

Registers' Court and jurisdiction of justice of the peace unaffected

Section 11
Last Amended 2007

Payments to certain incumbent judges not reappointed

Section 12

First biennial session of General Assembly under Constitution

Section 13

Exceptions to limitations on amount of compensation payable to members of General Assembly and presiding officers

Section 14

Renewal of existing corporations until enactment of general incorporation law

Section 15

Guardians' accounts

Section 16

Terms of office of persons holding office on effective date of Constitution

Section 17

Vacancies in Board of Pardons

Section 18

Laws consistent with Constitution not affected

Section 19

Enabling legislation