Veterans Bonus Amendment
The Legislature shall by law provide for the issuance and sale of state bonds, not to exceed in the aggregate ninety million dollars, which shall be in addition to all other state bonds heretofore authorized. The proceeds of such additional bonds, or so many thereof as may be necessary for the purpose, shall be used and appropriated solely for the purpose of paying a cash bonus to veterans of World War I and World War II. Such bonus shall be paid to all persons who rendered active service in the armed forces of the United States in World War I between the sixth day of April, one thousand nine hundred seventeen, and the eleventh day of November, one thousand nine hundred eighteen, both dates inclusive, or in World War II between the seventh day of December, one thousand nine hundred forty-one, and the second day of September, one thousand nine hundred forty-five, both dates inclusive, or in both such wars, who were bona fide residents of the state of West Virginia at the time of their entry into such service and for a period of at least six months prior thereto, who were not dishonorably discharged from such forces, and who within the periods specified above actively served in such armed forces for a period of at least ninety days. Such a bonus shall also be paid to any disabled veteran, otherwise qualified, who was discharged within ninety days after entering the services because of a service-connected disability. The amount of such bonus shall be calculated on the basis of ten dollars for each month, or major fraction thereof, served within the territorial limits of the forty-eight states and the District of Columbia, and fifteen dollars for each month, or major fraction thereof, served outside such limits, but such amount shall in no case exceed three hundred dollars for those who served only within the territorial limits specified above, and four hundred dollars for those who served outside such limits. The bonus to which any deceased veteran would be entitled, if living, shall be paid only to the following surviving relatives of such veteran, if such relatives are residents of this state when application for payment is made: Any unremarried widow, or if none, any child or children under the age of sixteen, or if none, any dependent parent or parents.
Whenever the Legislature shall provide for the issuance of any bonds under the authority of this amendment, it shall at the same time provide for the levy and collection of an additional cigarette tax, or an additional tax on nonintoxicating beer, or an additional charge on the sale of each bottle of wine and liquor, or an additional general consumers sales tax, or a graduated income tax, or any two or more thereof, in such amount as may be required to pay annually the interest on such bonds and the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years.