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All elections made by the legislature shall be by roll call vote entered in the journals.
Summary: Elections by legislature: manner.
Election Date: November 2, 1982
Votes For Ratification: 977438
Votes Against Ratification: 193679
Percent for Ratification: 83%
Percent Against Ratification: 17%
Amendment Source: 1981 JR 29
Effective Date Source: Wisconsin, State Elections Board, state canvasses, 1970-1998, 2000-2012, Box 3
In all elections to be made by the legislature, the members thereof shall vote viva voce, and their votes shall be entered on the journal.
Election Date:
Votes For Ratification:
Votes Against Ratification:
Percent for Ratification: %
Percent Against Ratification: %
Amendment Source:
Effective Date Source: