Section 3. Certain Debt of Counties, Cities, Towns, School Districts, and other Political Subdivisions not to Exceed Revenue - Exception
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Certain Debt of Counties, Cities, Towns, School Districts, and other Political Subdivisions not to Exceed Taxes - Exception - Debt may be Incurred only for Specified Purposes
(1) No debt issued by a county, city, town, school district, or other political subdivision of the State and directly payable from and secured by ad valorem property taxes levied by the issuer of the debt may be created in excess of the taxes for the current year unless the proposition to create the debt has been submitted to a vote of qualified voters at the time and in the manner provided by statute, and a majority of those voting thereon has voted in favor of incurring the debt.
(2) No part of the indebtedness allowed in this section may be incurred for other than strictly county, city, town, school district, or other political subdivision purposes respectively.
Certain Debt of Counties, Cities, Towns, School Districts, and other Political Subdivisions not to Exceed Revenue - Exception
No debt issued by a county, city, town, school district, or other political subdivision of the State and directly payable from and secured by ad valorem property taxes levied by the issuer of the debt may be created in excess of the taxes for the current year unless the proposition to create the debt has been submitted to a vote of qualified voters at the time and in the manner provided by statute, and a majority of those voting thereon has voted in favor of incurring the debt.
Debts of Counties, Cities, etc., Not to Exceed Revenue - Exception
No debt in excess of the taxes for the current year shall be created by any county or subdivision thereof, or by any school district therein, or by any city, town or village, or any subdivision thereof in this State; unless the proposition to create such debt shall have been submitted to a vote of such qualified electors as shall have been paid a property tax therein, in the year preceding such election, and a majority of those voting thereon shall have voted in favor of incurring such debt.