The Utah Constitution

Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we, the people of Utah, in order to secure and perpetuate the principles of free government, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION.

Section 1
Last Amended 2021

Inherent and inalienable rights

Section 2

All political power inherent in the people

Section 3

Utah inseparable from the Union

Section 4
Last Amended 2001

Religious liberty

Section 5

Habeas corpus

Section 6
Last Amended 1985

Right to bear arms

Section 7

Due process of law

Section 8
Last Amended 1989

Offenses bailable

Section 9

Excessive bail and fines--Cruel punishments

Section 10
Last Amended 1997

Trial by jury

Section 11
Last Amended 2021

Courts open--Redress of injuries

Section 12
Last Amended 2021

Rights of accused persons

Section 13
Last Amended 1949

Prosecution by information or indictment--Grand jury

Section 14

Unreasonable searches forbidden--Issuance of warrant

Section 15

Freedom of speech and of the press--Libel

Section 16

No imprisonment for debt--Exception

Section 17

Elections to be free--Soldiers voting

Section 18

Attainder--Ex post facto laws--Impairing contracts

Section 19

Treason defined--Proof

Section 20

Military subordinate to the civil power

Section 21
Last Amended 2021

Slavery and involuntary servitude forbidden--Limitation

Section 22

Private property for public use

Section 23

Irrevocable franchises forbidden

Section 24

Uniform operation of laws

Section 25

Rights retained by people

Section 26

Provisions mandatory and prohibitory

Section 27

Fundamental rights

Section 28
Last Amended 1995

Declaration of the rights of crime victims

Section 29
Last Amended 2005


Section 30
Last Amended 2021

Right to hunt and fish

Section 1

State boundaries

The following ordinance shall be irrevocable without the consent of the United States and the people of this State:

Section First

[Religious toleration--Polygamy forbidden]

Section Second
Last Amended 1947

[Right to public domain disclaimed--Taxation of lands--Exemption]

Section Third

[Territorial debts assumed]

Section Fourth

[Free, nonsectarian schools]

Section 1

Equal political rights

Section 2
Last Amended 1977

Qualifications to vote

Section 3
Last Amended 1977

Voters--Immunity from arrest

Section 4
Last Amended 1977

Voters--Immunity from militia duty

Section 5
Last Amended 1977

Voters to be citizens of United States

Section 6
Last Amended 1999

Mentally incompetent persons, convicted felons, and certain criminals ineligible to vote

Section 7
Last Amended 1977

Property qualification forbidden

Section 8
Last Amended 2011

Election to be by secret ballot

Section 9
Last Amended 2001

General and special elections--Terms--Election of local officers

Section 10
Last Amended 2017

Oath of office

Section 1

Three departments of government

Section 1
Last Amended 2001

Power vested in Senate, House, and People

Section 2
Last Amended 2021

Time and location of annual general sessions--Location of sessions convened by the Governor or Legislature--Sessions convened by the Legislature

Section 3
Last Amended 1993

Election of House members--Terms

Section 4
Last Amended 1993

Election of Senators--Terms

Section 5
Last Amended 2021

Who eligible as legislator

Section 6

Who ineligible as legislator

Section 7
Last Amended 2021

Ineligibility of legislator to office created at term for which elected

Section 8

Legislator, privilege from arrest

Section 9
Last Amended 1983

Compensation of legislators--Citizens' salary commission

Section 10
Last Amended 2011

Each house to be judge of election and qualifications of its members--Expulsion--Legislative ethics commission

Section 11

Majority is quorum--Attendance compelled

Section 12

Rules--Choosing officers and employees

Section 13
Last Amended 1931

Vacancies to be filled

Section 14

Journals--Yeas and nays

Section 15

Sessions to be public--Adjournments

Section 16
Last Amended 2021

Duration of sessions

Section 17
Last Amended 2005

Impeachment by House

Section 18
Last Amended 2005

Trial of impeachment by Senate

Section 19
Last Amended 2005

Officers liable for impeachment--Judgment--Prosecution by law

Section 20
Last Amended 2021

Service of articles of impeachment

Section 21

Removal of officers

Section 22
Repealed 1972

Enacting clause--Passage and amendments of law

Section 22
Last Amended 1972

Reading of bills--Bills to contain only one subject--Bills passed by majority

Section 23
Repealed 1972

Bill to contain only one subject

Section 23
Repealed 1983

Tax by reference

Section 24
Last Amended 1972

Presiding officers to sign bills

Section 25
Last Amended 1972

Publication of acts--Effective dates of acts

Section 26
Last Amended 1972

Private laws forbidden

Section 27
Repealed 1972

Legislature cannot release certain debts

Section 27
Last Amended 1972

Games of chance not authorized

Section 28
Repealed 1972

Games of chance not authorized

Section 28
Last Amended 1972

Special privileges forbidden

Section 29
Repealed 1972

Special privileges forbidden

Section 29
Last Amended 2005

Lending public credit and subscribing to stock or bonds forbidden--Exception

Section 30
Repealed 1972

Extra compensation to officers and contractors forbidden

Section 30
Last Amended 1991

Continuity in government

Section 31
Repealed 1972

Lending public credit and subscribing to stock or bonds forbidden

Section 31
Last Amended 1972

Additional compensation of legislators

Section 32
Repealed 1972

Continuity in government

Section 32
Last Amended 1993

Appointment of additional employees--Legal counsel

Section 33
Last Amended 2021

Legislative auditor appointed

Section 1
Last Amended 1993

Executive Department officers--Terms, residence, and duties

Section 2
Last Amended 1993

Election of officers--Governor and Lieutenant Governor elected jointly

Section 3
Last Amended 1993

Qualifications of officers

Section 4
Last Amended 1981

Governor commander-in-chief

Section 5
Last Amended 1993

Executive power vested in Governor--Duties--Legal counsel

Section 6
Last Amended 2003

Convening of extra sessions of Legislature--Advance public notice

Section 7
Last Amended 2019

Adjournment of Legislature by Governor

Section 8
Last Amended 1993

Bills presented to Governor for approval and veto--Items of appropriation--Legislative session to consider vetoed items

Section 9

Governor may fill certain vacancies

Section 10
Last Amended 2015

Governor's appointive power--Governor to appoint to fill vacancy in other state offices--Vacancy in the office of the Lieutenant Governor

Section 11
Last Amended 2009

Vacancy in office of Governor--Determination of disability

Section 12
Last Amended 1993

Board of Pardons and Parole--Appointment--Powers and procedures--Governor's powers and duties--Legislature's powers

Section 13
Repealed 1993

Board of Examiners

Section 14
Repealed 1981

Insane asylum commissioners

Section 14
Last Amended 1993

Duties of Lieutenant Governor

Section 15
Repealed 1981

Reform school commissioners

Section 15
Last Amended 1993

Duties of State Auditor and State Treasurer

Section 16
Repealed 1981

Duties of Secretary of State

Section 16
Last Amended 1981

Duties of Attorney General

Section 17
Repealed 1981

Duties of Auditor

Section 17
Repealed 1987

Superintendent of Public Instruction

Section 18
Repealed 1981

Duties of Attorney General

Section 18
Last Amended 1993

Compensation of state and local officers

Section 19
Repealed 1981

Superintendent of Public Instruction

Section 19
Last Amended 1981

Grants and commissions

Section 20
Repealed 1981

Compensation of state officers

Section 20
Last Amended 1981

The Great Seal

Section 21
Repealed 1981

Grants and commissions

Section 21
Last Amended 1981

United States' officials ineligible to hold state office

Section 22
Repealed 1981

The Great Seal

Section 23
Repealed 1981

United States' officials ineligible to hold state office--Governor not eligible for senate

Section 24
Repealed 1981

Continuity of government in periods of emergency

Section 1
Last Amended 1985

Judicial powers--Courts

Section 2
Repealed 1985

Supreme Court, how constituted--Terms

Section 2
Last Amended 1985

Supreme Court--Chief justice--Declaring law unconstitutional--Justice unable to participate

Section 3
Repealed 1985

Supreme Court--Qualifications of judges

Section 3
Last Amended 1985

Jurisdiction of Supreme Court

Section 4
Repealed 1985

Supreme Court--Jurisdiction--Terms

Section 4
Last Amended 1985

Rulemaking power of Supreme Court--Judges pro tempore--Regulation of practice of law

Section 5
Repealed 1985

District courts, how constituted--Terms--Jurisdiction--Judges pro tempore

Section 5
Last Amended 1985

Jurisdiction of district court and other courts--Right of appeal

Section 6
Repealed 1985

Legislature may change districts

Section 6
Last Amended 1985

Number of judges of district court and other courts--Divisions

Section 7
Repealed 1985

Jurisdiction of district courts

Section 7
Last Amended 1985

Qualifications of justices and judges

Section 8
Repealed 1985

Justices of the peace--Jurisdiction, etc.

Section 8
Last Amended 1993

Vacancies--Nominating commissions--Senate approval

Section 9
Repealed 1985

Appeals from district court: record, etc.--From justices; courts

Section 9
Last Amended 1985

Judicial retention elections

Section 10
Repealed 1985

County attorneys--Election, term, etc.

Section 10
Last Amended 1985

Restrictions on justices and judges

Section 11
Repealed 1985

Removal of judges from office

Section 11
Last Amended 1985

Judges of courts not of record

Section 12
Repealed 1985

Judges' salaries to remain fixed

Section 12
Last Amended 1993

Judicial Council--Chief justice as administrative officer--Legal counsel

Section 13
Repealed 1985

Disqualification of judges

Section 13
Last Amended 1985

Judicial Conduct Commission

Section 14
Repealed 1985

Clerks of courts--Reporter

Section 14
Last Amended 1985

Compensation of justices and judges

Section 15
Repealed 1985

Judges shall not appoint relatives to office

Section 15
Last Amended 1985

Mandatory retirement

Section 16
Repealed 1985

Judicial districts, how constituted

Section 16
Last Amended 1985

Public prosecutors

Section 17
Repealed 1985

Courts of record

Section 18
Repealed 1985

Style of process: "The State of Utah"

Section 19
Repealed 1985

But one form of civil action

Section 20
Repealed 1985

Salary of judges

Section 21
Repealed 1985

Judges to be conservators of peace

Section 22
Repealed 1985

Judges to report defects in laws

Section 23
Repealed 1985

Publication of decisions

Section 24
Repealed 1985

Effect of extending judges' terms

Section 25
Repealed 1985

Decisions of Supreme Court to be in writing

Section 26
Repealed 1985

Court to prepare syllabus

Section 27
Repealed 1985

Judge forfeits office by absence

Section 28
Repealed 1985

Mandatory retirement

Section 1
Repealed 1989

Election of congressman

Section 1
Last Amended 2009

Dividing the state into districts

Section 2
Repealed 1989

Decennial census to be taken

Section 2
Last Amended 1989

Number of members of legislature

Section 3
Repealed 1989

Number of members of legislature

Section 4
Repealed 1989

Senatorial districts, how formed

Section 1
Last Amended 1987

Free nonsectarian schools

Section 2
Last Amended 1987

Defining what shall constitute the public school system

Section 3
Repealed 1987

State School Fund and Uniform School Fund--Establishment and Use

Section 3
Last Amended 1987

State Board of Education

Section 4
Last Amended 1987

Control of higher education by statute--Rights and immunities confirmed

Section 5
Repealed 1987

Proceeds of land grants constitute permanent funds

Section 5
Last Amended 2017

State School Fund and Uniform School Fund--Establishment and Use--Debt guaranty

Section 6
Repealed 1973

Separate control of city schools

Section 7
Repealed 1987

School funds guaranteed by state

Section 7
Last Amended 1987

Proceeds of land grants constitute permanent funds

Section 8
Repealed 1987

State Board of Education

Section 8
Last Amended 1987

No religious or partisan tests in schools

Section 9
Repealed 1987

Text books

Section 9
Last Amended 1987

Public aid to church schools forbidden

Section 10
Repealed 1987

Institutions for deaf, dumb, and blind--Property--Fund

Section 11
Repealed 1987

Metric system

Section 12
Repealed 1987

No religious or partisan tests in schools

Section 13
Repealed 1987

Public aid to church schools forbidden

Section 1
Last Amended 2001

Counties recognized as legal subdivisions--Powers of counties

Section 2
Last Amended 2001

Moving a county seat

Section 3
Last Amended 2003

Changing county lines

Section 4
Last Amended 2001

Optional forms of county government

Section 5
Last Amended 2001

Cities and towns not to be created by special laws--Legislature to provide for the incorporation, organization, dissolution, and classification of cities and towns--Charter cities

Section 6
Last Amended 2021

Municipal water rights and sources of water supply

Section 7
Last Amended 2001

Cities and towns--Powers

Section 8
Last Amended 2001

Special service districts

Section 9
Last Amended 2001

Political subdivisions of the State or other governmental entitites in addition to counties, cities, towns, school districts, and special service districts

Section 10
Last Amended 2001

Consent of local authorities necessary for use of streets

Section 1
Last Amended 1993

Corporations formation

Section 2
Repealed 1993

Existing corporations to accept constitution

Section 3
Repealed 1993

Legislature not to extend or validate franchises

Section 4
Last Amended 1993


Section 5
Repealed 1993

Corporate stock--Issuance, increase, etc.

Section 6
Repealed 1993

Privileges of foreign corporations

Section 7
Repealed 1993

Limitation on alienation of franchise

Section 8
Repealed 2001

Consent of local authorities necessary for use of streets

Section 9
Repealed 1993

Place of business, process agent, etc.

Section 10
Repealed 1993

Corporations limited to authorized objects

Section 11
Repealed 1993

Franchises may be taken for public use

Section 12
Last Amended 1993

Common carriers--No discrimination

Section 13
Repealed 1993

Competing railroads not to consolidate

Section 14
Repealed 1993

Rolling stock considered personal property

Section 15
Repealed 1993

Legislature to prescribe maximum rates

Section 16
Repealed 1993

Armed bodies not to enter state, when

Section 17
Repealed 1983

Employee of corporation ineligible to municipal office, when

Section 18
Repealed 1993

Liability of stockholders of banks

Section 19
Last Amended 1993

Blacklisting forbidden

Section 20
Last Amended 1993

Free market system as state policy--Restraint of trade and monopolies prohibited

Section 1
Last Amended 2003

Fiscal year

Section 2
Repealed 2003

Tangible property to be taxed--Value ascertained--Exemptions--Remittance or abatement of taxes of poor--Intangible property--Legislature to provide annual tax for state

Section 2
Last Amended 2003

Property tax

Section 3
Repealed 2003

Legislature to provide uniform tax--Exemptions

Section 3
Last Amended 2019

Property tax exemptions

Section 4
Repealed 1997

Taxation of mines

Section 4
Last Amended 2003

Other taxes

Section 5
Repealed 2003

Local authorities to levy local taxes--Sharing tax and revenues by political subdivisions--Debt guaranty

Section 5
Last Amended 2021

Use and amount of taxes and expenditures

Section 6
Repealed 2003

Annual statement

Section 6
Last Amended 2003

State Tax Commission

Section 7
Repealed 1987

Tax rate for state purposes

Section 7
Last Amended 2003

County boards of equalization

Section 8
Repealed 2003

Officer not to make profit out of public moneys

Section 8
Last Amended 2003

Annual statement

Section 9
Repealed 2003

State expenditures to be kept within revenues

Section 10
Repealed 2003

All property taxable where situated

Section 11
Repealed 2003

Creation of State Tax Commission--Membership--Governor to appoint--Terms--Duties--County boards--Duties

Section 12
Repealed 2003

Stamp, income, occupation, license, or franchise tax permissible--Reference to United States laws in imposition of income taxes--Income or intangible property taxes allocated to public education system and higher education system

Section 13
Repealed 2003

Revenue from highway user and motor fuel taxes to be used for highway purposes

Section 14
Repealed 2003

Tangible personal property tax exemption

Section 1
Last Amended 1997

Fixing the limit of state indebtedness--Exceptions

Section 2

Debts for public defense

Section 3
Last Amended 2003

Certain debt of counties, cities, towns, school districts, and other political subdivisions not to exceed taxes--Exception--Debt may be incurred only for specified purposes

Section 4
Last Amended 2003

Limit of indebtedness of counties, cities, towns, and school districts--Larger indebtedness may be allowed

Section 5

Borrowed money to be applied to authorized use

Section 6
Last Amended 1997

State not to assume county, city, town or school district debts--Exception

Section 7

Existing indebtedness not impaired

Section 8
Repealed 2001

Special service districts

Section 1

How constituted

Section 2

Organization and equipment

Section 1

Rights of labor to be protected

Section 2

Board of labor

Section 3
Last Amended 1980

Certain employment and practices to be prohibited

Section 4

Exchange of blacklists prohibited

Section 5
Last Amended 1921

Injuries resulting in death--Damages

Section 6

Eight hours a day's labor on public works--Health and safety laws

Section 7

Legislature to enforce this article

Section 8
Last Amended 1934

Minimum wage for women and minors--Comfort and safety laws

Section 1

Existing rights confirmed

Section 1

Forests to be preserved

Section 1
Repealed 1989

Property of territory becomes property of state

Section 2
Repealed 1989

Charitable and penal institutions, how maintained

Section 3
Repealed 1989

Seat of government and public institutions permanently located

Section 1
Last Amended 1999

Land grants accepted on terms of trust

Section 2
Last Amended 1999

School and institutional trust lands

Section 1
Repealed 1993

Public officers to be paid salaries--Exceptions

Section 2
Repealed 1993

Legislature to provide fees--Accounting

Section 1
Last Amended 1989

Homestead exemption

Section 2
Repealed 1999

Property rights of married women

Section 3
Repealed 1934


Section 3
Last Amended 1989

Seat of government

Section 4
Last Amended 2013

State trust fund--Principal to be held in perpetuity--Use of income

Section 5
Last Amended 2003

Officers may not profit

Section 1
Last Amended 1971

Amendments: proposal, election

Section 2

Revision of the Constitution

Section 3

Submission to electors

Section 1

Actions, contracts, etc., to continue

Section 2

Territorial laws continued

Section 3

Prisoners to be held

Section 4

Fines, penalties and forfeitures due the territory--Debts of the territory

Section 5

Recognizances--Judgments--Records--Fines due counties, municipalities and school districts

Section 6

Criminal prosecutions begun and crimes committed before statehood

Section 7

Transfer of causes, records, etc.

Section 8

Seals of courts

Section 9

Transfer of probate causes to district courts

Section 10

Officers to hold office until superseded

Section 11

Election for adoption or rejection of Constitution and for state officers--Voters

Section 12

Officers to be elected

Section 13

Contest for district judgeship, how determined

Section 14

Constitution to be submitted to voters--Ballot

Section 15

Election of officers not provided for herein

Section 16

When Constitution in force