Section 3. Qualifications of Officers
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Qualifications of Officers
(1) To be eligible for the office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor a person shall be 30 years of age or older at the time of election.
(2) To be eligible for the office of Attorney General a person shall be 25 years of age or older, at the time of election, admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the State of Utah, and in good standing at the bar.
(3) To be eligible for the office of State Auditor or State Treasurer a person shall be 25 years of age or older at the time of election.
(4) No person is eligible to any of the offices provided for in Section 1 unless at the time of election that person is a qualified voter and has been a resident citizen of the state for five years next preceding the election.
Qualifications of Officers
To be eligible for the office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor a person shall have attained the age of thirty years at the time of election. To be eligible for the office of Attorney General a person shall, at the time of election, have attained the age of twenty-five years, be admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the State of Utah and be in good standing at the bar. No person shall be eligible to any of the offices provided for in section one of this article, unless at the time of election that person is a qualified voter and shall have been a resident citizen of the State for five years next preceding election.
Qualifications of Governor, etc.
No person shall be eligible to the office of Governor or Secretary of State unless he shall have attained the age of thirty years at the time of his election, nor to the office of Attorney- General unless he shall have attained the age of twenty-five years at the time of his election, and have been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the Territory or of the State of Utah, nor unless he shall be in good standing at the bar at the time of his election. No person shall be eligible to any of the offices provided for in section one of this article, unless at the time of his election he shall be a qualified elector, and shall have been a resident citizen of the State or Territory for five years next preceding his election. The State Auditor and State Treasurer shall be ineligible to election as their own successors.