Article XIII.
Revenue and Taxation

Section 7. Tax Rate for State Purposes

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Tax Rate for State Purposes

Tax Rate for State Purposes

The rate of taxation on tangible property shall not exceed on each dollar of valuation, two and four-tenths mills for general State purposes, and such additional levy as the Legislature may provide for the State's share of the support of a portion of the public school system as defined in Article X, Section 2 of this Constitution, such portion consisting only of kindergarten schools, common schools and high schools. The Legislature shall determine by law the method of allocation of the State's contribution to the various school districts.

Tax Rate for State Purposes

The rate of taxation on tangible property shall not exceed on each dollar of valuation, two and four-tenths mills for general State purposes, and such additional levy as the Legislature may provide for the State's share of the support of a portion of the public school system as defined in Article X, Section 2 of this Constitution, such portion consisting only of kindergarten schools, common schools and high schools. The State shall contribute not more than 75% of the total cost of operation and maintenance of a minimum school program in the State as such program shall from time to time be determined upon by the Legislature.
Not more than 75% of the State's portion of the revenue necessary to finance the operation and maintenance of such minimum school program shall be raised by a State property tax levy and the remainder thereof shall be raised from other State sources. The Legislature shall determine by law the method of allocation of the State's contribution to the various school districts.

Tax Rate for State Purposes

The rate of taxation on tangible property shall not exceed on each dollar of valuation, two and four-tenths mills for general State purposes, two-tenths of one mill for high school purposes, which shall constitute the high school fund; said fund shall be apportioned in the manner the legislature shall provide, to the school districts maintaining high schools, and such levy for district school purposes which together with the interest on the permanent school fund and such other funds as may be available for district school purposes, will raise annually an amount which equals $25.00 for each person of school age in the state as shown by the last preceding school census; the same to be distributed among the school districts according to the last preceding school census; and in addition an equalization fund which when added to other revenues provided for this purpose by the legislature shall be $5.00 for each person of school age as shown by the last preceding school census; said equalization fund shall be apportioned to the school districts in such manner as the legislature shall provide. Said rates shall not be increased unless a proposition to increase the same specifying the rate or rates proposed and the time during which the same shall be levied, be first submitted to a vote of such of the qualified electors of the State, as in the year next preceding such election, shall have paid a property tax assessed to them within the State, and the majority of those voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof, in such manner as may be provided by law.

Tax Rate for State Purposes

The rate of taxation on-property for State purposes shall never exceed 8 mills on each dollar of valuation to be apportioned as follows: Not to exceed 4.5 mills on each dollar of valuation for general State purposes; not to exceed 3 mills on each dollar of valuation for district school purposes; not to exceed 1/2 mill on each dollar of valuation for high school purposes; that part of the State tax apportioned to high school purposes shall constitute a fund to be called the High School Fund and shall be apportioned to the cities and school districts maintaining high schools in the manner the Legislature may provide. And whenever the taxable property within the State shall amount to $400,000,000.00, the rates shall not exceed on each dollar of valuation two and four-tenths mills for general State purposes, two-tenths of one mill for high school purposes, and such levy for district school purposes as will raise annually an amount which, added to any other State funds available for district school purposes, equals $25.00 for each person of school age in the State shown by the last preceding school census; unless a proposition to increase such rate or rates, specifying the rate or rates proposed and the time during which the same shall be levied, be first submitted to a vote of such of the qualified electors of the State as, in the year next preceding such election, shall have paid a property tax assessed to them within the State, and the majority of those voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof, in such manner as may be provided by law.

Tax Rate for State Purposes

The rate of taxation on property for State purposes shall never exceed eight mills on each dollar of valuation to be apportioned as follows: Not to exceed four and one-half mills on each dollar of valuation for general State purposes; not to exceed three mills on each dollar of valuation for district school purposes; not to exceed one-half mill on each dollar of valuation for High School purposes; that part of the State tax apportioned to high school purposes shall constitute a fund to be called the "high school fund" and shall be apportioned to the cities and school districts maintaining high schools in the manner the Legislature may provide. And whenever the taxable property within the State shall amount to four hundred million dollars, the rate shall not exceed five mills on each dollar of valuation; unless a proposition to increase such rate, specifying the, rate proposed and the time during which the same shall. be levied, be first submitted to a vote of such of the qualified electors of the State as, in the year next preceding such election, shall have paid a property: tax assessed to them. within the State, and the majority of those voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof, in such manner as may be provided by law.

Tax Rate for State Purposes

The rate of taxation on property, for State purposes, shall never exceed eight mills on each dollar of valuation; and whenever the taxable property within the State shall amount to two hundred million dollars, the rate shall not exceed five mills on each dollar of valuation; and whenever the taxable property within the State shall amount to three hundred million dollars, the rate shall never thereafter exceed four mills on each dollar of valuation; unless a proposition to increase such rate, specifying the rate proposed, and the time during which the same shall be levied, be first submitted to a vote of such of the qualified electors of the State, as in the year next preceding such election, shall have paid a property tax assessed to them within the State, and the majority of those voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof, in such manner as may be provided by law.