Article XIV.
Public Debt

Section 1. State Debt, Limitation

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Fixing the Limit of the State Indebtedness - Exceptions

To meet casual deficits or failures in revenue, and for necessary expenditures for public purposes, including the erection of public buildings, and for the payment of all Territorial indebtedness assumed by the State, the State may contract debts, not exceeding in the aggregate at any one time, an amount equal to one and one-half per centum of the value of the taxable property of the State, as shown by the last assessment for State purposes, previous to the incurring of such indebtedness. But the State shall never contract any indebtedness, except as provided in Article XIV, Section 2, in excess of such amount, and all monies arising from loans herein authorized, shall be applied solely to the purposes for which they were obtained.

State Debt, Limitation

To meet casual deficits or failures in revenue, and for necessary expenditures for public purposes, including the erection of public buildings, and for the payment of all Territorial indebtedness assumed by the State, the State may contract debts, not exceeding in the aggregate at any one time, an amount equal to one and one-half per centum of the value of the taxable property of the State, as shown by the last assessment for State purposes, previous to the incurring of such indebtedness. But the State shall never contract any indebtedness, except as in the next Section provided, in excess of such amount, and all moneys arising from loans herein authorized, shall be applied solely to the purposes for which they were obtained.

State Debt, Limitation

To meet casual deficits or failures in revenue, and for necessary expenditures for public purposes, including the erection of public buildings and for the payment of all Territorial indebtedness assumed by the State, the State may contract debts, not exceeding in the aggregate at any one time, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars over and above the amount of the Territorial indebtedness assumed by the State. But when the said Territorial indebtedness shall have been paid, the State shall never contract any indebtedness, except as in the next section provided, in excess of the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, and all monies arising from loans herein authorized, shall be applied solely to the purposes for which they were obtained.