Article IV.
Elections and Right of Suffrage
Section 6. Mentally Incompetent Persons, Convicted Felons, and Certain Criminals Ineligible to Vote
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Mentally Incompetent Persons, Convicted Felons, and Certain Criminals Ineligible to Vote
Any mentally incompetent person, any person convicted of a felony, or any person convicted of treason or a crime against the elective franchise, may not be permitted to vote at any election or be eligible to hold office in this State until the right to vote or hold elective office is restored as provided by statute.
Mentally Incompetent Persons, Convicted Felons, and Certain Criminals Ineligible to Vote
No mentally incompetent person or person convicted of treason, or crime against the elective franchise, unless restored to civil rights, shall be permitted to vote at any election, or be eligible to hold office in this State.