Section 26. Private Laws Forbidden
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Private Laws Forbidden
No private or special law shall be enacted where a general law can be applicable.
Enumeration of Private Laws Forbidden
The Legislature is prohibited from enacting any private of special laws in the following cases:
1. Granting divorce.
2. Changing the names of persons or places, or constituting one person the heir at law of another.
3. Locating or changing county seats.
4. Regulating the jurisdiction and duties of justices of the peace.
5. Punishing crimes and misdemeanors.
6. Regulating the practice of courts of justice.
7. Providing for a change of venue in civil or criminal actions.
8. Assessing and collecting taxes.
9. Regulating the interest on money.
10. Changing the law of descent or succession.
11. Regulating county and township affairs.
12. Incorporating cities, towns or villages; changing or amending the charter of any city, town or village; laying out, opening, vacating or altering town plats, highways, streets, wards, alleys or public grounds.
13. Providing for sale or mortgage of real estate belonging to minors or others under disability.
14. Authorizing persons to keep ferries across streams within the State.
15. Remitting fines, penalties or forfeitures.
16. Granting to an individual, association or corporation any privilege, immunity or franchise.
17. Providing for the management of common schools.
18. Creating, increasing or decreasing fees, percentages or allowances of public officers during the term for which said officers are elected or appointed.
The Legislature may repeal any existing special law relating to the foregoing subdivisions.
In all cases where a general law can be applicable, no special law shall be enacted.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to deny or restrict the power of the Legislature to establish and regulate the compensation and fees of county and township officers; to establish and regulate the rates of freight, passage, toll and charges of railroads, toll roads, ditch, flume and tunnel companies, incorporated under the laws of the State or doing business therein.