Article VI.
Legislative Department

Section 5. Who is Eligible as a Legislator

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Who is Eligible as a Legislator

(1) A person is not eligible to the office of senator or representative unless the person is:
(a) at the time of election or appointment:
(i) a citizen of the United States;
(ii) at least twenty-five years of age; and
(iii) a qualified voter in the district from which the person is chosen;
(b) a resident of the state for three consecutive years immediately prior to:
(i) the last date provided by statute for filing for the office, for a person seeking election to the office; or
(ii) the person's appointment to the office, for a person appointed to fill a mid-term vacancy; and
(c) (i) a resident of the district from which the person is elected for six consecutive months immediately prior to the last date provided by statute for filing for the office; or
(ii) a resident of the district for which the person is appointed to fill a mid-term vacancy for six consecutive months immediately prior to the person's appointment.
(2) A person elected or appointed to the office of senator or representative may not continue to serve in that office after ceasing to be a resident of the district from which elected or for which appointed.

Who is Eligible as a Legislator

(1) A person is not eligible to the office of senator or representative unless the person is:
(a) a citizen of the United States;
(b) at least twenty-five years of age;
(c) a qualified voter in the district from which the person is chosen;
(d) a resident of the state for three consecutive years immediately prior to:
(i) the last date provided by statute for filing for the office, for a person seeking election to the office; or
(ii) the person's appointment to the office, for a person appointed to fill a mid-term vacancy; and
(e) (i) a resident of the district from which the person is elected for six consecutive months immediately prior to the last date provided by statute for filing for the office; or
(ii) a resident of the district for which the person is appointed to fill a mid-term vacancy for six consecutive months immediately prior to the person's appointment.
(2) A person elected or appointed to the office of senator or representative may not continue to serve in that office after ceasing to be a resident of the district from which elected or for which appointed.

Who is Eligible as a Legislator

No person shall be eligible to the office of senator or representative who is not a citizen of the United States; twenty-five years of age;a qualified voter in the district from which the person is chosen; a resident of the state for three consecutive years, immediately prior to the last date provided by statute for filing for the office; and a resident of the district from which the person is elected for six consecutive months immediately prior to the last date provided by statute for filing for the office. No person elected to the office of senator or representative shall continue to serve in that office after ceasing to be a resident of the district from which elected.

Who is Eligible as a Legislator

No person shall be eligible to the office of senator or representative who as of the last date provided by law for filing for the office is not a citizen of the United States, twenty-five years of age, a qualified voter in the district from which he is chosen, a resident for three years of the State, and for six months of the district from which he is elected. No person elected to the office of senator or representative shall continue to serve in that office after ceasing to be a resident of the district from which elected.

Who is Eligible as a Legislator

No person shall be eligible to the office of senator or representative who as of the last date provided by law for filing for the office is not a citizen of the United States, twenty-five years of age, a qualified voter in the district from which he is chosen, a resident for three years of the State, and for six months of the district from which he is elected.

Who is Eligible as a Legislator

No person shall be eligible to the office of senator or representative, who is not a citizen of the United States, twenty-five years of age, a qualified voter in the district from which he is chosen, a resident for three years of the State, and for one year of the district from which he is elected.

Redlined Comparison between 1999 and 2021 Amendment (includes interim changes)

Removed from 1999 Added to 2021
