Article IX.
Congressional and Legislative Apportionment

Section 4. Senatorial Districts, How Formed

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Senatorial Districts, How Formed

Senatorial Districts, How Formed

When more than one county shall constitute a Senatorial District, such counties shall be contiguous, and no county shall be divided in the formation of such districts unless such county contains insufficient population within itself to form two or more districts, nor shall a part of any county be united with any other county in forming any district.
Until otherwise provided by law, Representatives shall be apportioned among the several counties of the State as follows:
Provided, That in any future apportionment made by the Legislature, each country shall be entitled to at least one Representative.
The County of Box Elder shall constitute the First Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Cache shall constitute the Second Representative District, and be entitled to three representatives.
The County of Rich shall constitute the Third Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Weber shall constitute the Fourth Representative District, and be entitled to four representatives.
The County of Morgan shall constitute the Fifth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Davis shall constitute the Sixth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Tooele shall constitute the Seventh Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Salt Lake shall constitute the Eighth Representative District, and be entitled to ten representatives.
The County of Summit shall constitute the Ninth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Wasatch shall constitute the Tenth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Utah shall constitute the Eleventh Representative District, and be entitled to four representatives.
The County of Uintah shall constitute the Twelfth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Juab shall constitute the Thirteenth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of San Pete shall constitute the Fourteenth Representative District, and be entitled to two representatives.
The County of Carbon shall constitute the Fifteenth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Emery shall constitute the Sixteenth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Grand shall constitute the Seventeenth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Sevier shall constitute the Eighteenth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Millard shall constitute the Nineteenth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Beaver shall constitute the Twentieth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Piute shall constitute the Twenty-first Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Wayne shall constitute the Twenty-second Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Garfield shall constitute the Twenty-third Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Iron shall constitute the Twenty-fourth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Washington shall constitute the Twenty-fifth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of Kane shall constitute the Twenty-sixth Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
The County of San Juan shall constitute the Twenty-seventh Representative District, and be entitled to one representative.
Until otherwise provided by law, the Senatorial Districts shall be constituted and numbered as follows:
The Counties of Box Elder and Tooele shall constitute the First District, and be entitled to one senator.
The County of Cache shall constitute the Second District, and be entitled to one senator.
The Counties of Rich, Morgan and Davis shall constitute the Third District, and be entitled to one senator.
The County of Weber shall constitute the Fourth District, and be entitled to two senators.
The Counties of Summit and Wasatch shall constitute the Fifth District, and be entitled to one senator.
The County of Salt Lake shall constitute the Sixth District, and be entitled to five senators.
The County of Utah shall constitute the Seventh District, and be entitled to two senators.
The Counties of Juab and Millard shall constitute the Eighth District, and be entitled to one senator.
The County of San Pete shall constitute the Ninth District, and be entitled to one senator.
The Counties of Sevier, Wayne, Piute and Garfield shall constitute the Tenth District, and be entitled to one senator.
The Counties of Beaver, Iron, Washington, and Kane shall constitute the Eleventh District, and be entitled to one senator.
The Counties of Emery, Carbon, Uintah, Grand and San Juan shall constitute the Twelfth District, and be entitled to one senator.

Redlined Comparison between 1895 and 1989 Amendment

Removed from 1895 Added to 1989
