Article VI.
Legislative Department

Section 9. Compensation of Legislators - Citizens' Salary Commission

Select dates to read amendment and select a date from the dropdown to compare the changes.

Compensation of Legislators - Citizens' Salary Commission

The Legislature shall not increase the salaries of its members on its own initiative, but shall provide by law for the appointment by the Governor of a citizens' salary commission to make recommendations concerning the salaries of members of the Legislature. Upon submission of the commission's recommendations, the Legislature shall by law accept, reject or lower the salary but may not, in any event, increase the recommendation. The Legislature shall provide by law for the expenses of its members. Until salaries and expenses enacted as authorized by this section become effective, members of the Legislature shall receive compensation of $25 per diem while actually in session, expenses of $15 per diem while actually in session, and mileage as provided by law.

Compensation of Members

The members of the Legislature shall receive compensation of $25 per diem while actually in session, expenses of $15 per diem while actually in session, and mileage as provided by law.

Compensation of Members

The members of the Legislature shall receive such compensation, not exceeding $500.00 a year for the legislative term and $5.00 a day expenses while actually in session, and mileage as provided by law.

Compensation of Members

The members of the Legislature shall receive such compensation and mileage as the Legislature may provide, not exceeding $300.00 per year, and ten cents per mile for the distance necessarily traveled going to and returning from the place of meeting on the most usual route, and they shall receive no other pay or perquisite.

Compensation of Members

The members of the Legislature shall receive such per diem and mileage as the Legislature may provide, not exceeding four dollars per day, and ten cents per mile for the distance necessarily traveled going to and returning from the place of meeting on the most usual route, and they shall receive no other pay or perquisite.

Redlined Comparison between 1945 and 1983 Amendment (includes interim changes)

Removed from 1945 Added to 1983
