The Oklahoma Constitution

The Constitution is split into articles and each article is split into sections. These comprise the provisions of the Constitution—which protect rights, structure the government, and grant and limit the powers of the legislature, executive, and judiciary.

Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessing of liberty; to secure just and rightful government; to promote our mutual welfare and happiness, we, the people of the State of Oklahoma, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

Section 1

Supreme law of land

Section 2

Religious liberty--Polygamous or plural marriages

Section 3

Unappropriated public lands--Indian lands--Jurisdiction of United States

Section 4

Territorial debts and liabilities

Section 5
Last Amended 1978

Public schools

Section 6

Right of suffrage

Section 7
Repealed 1959


Section 1

Political power--Purpose of government--Alteration or reformation

Section 2

Inherent rights

Section 3

Right of assembly and petition

Section 4

Interference with right of suffrage

Section 5

Public money or property--Use for sectarian purposes

Section 6

Courts of justice open--Remedies for wrongs--Sale, denial or delay

Section 7

Due process of law

Section 8
Last Amended 1988

Right to bail--Exceptions

Section 9

Excessive bail or fines--Cruel or unusual punishment

Section 9A
Last Amended 2016

Death penalty--Effect of statutes--Methods

Section 10

Habeas corpus--Suspension

Section 11
Last Amended 1914

Officers--Personal attention to duties--Intoxication

Section 12
Last Amended 2014

Officers of United States or other states--Ineligibility to office

Section 12A
Last Amended 1994

Candidacy as United States Representative or Senator--Term Limits--Write-ins

Section 13

Imprisonment for debt

Section 14

Military subordinate to civil authorities--Quartering without owner's consent

Section 15

Bills of attainder--Ex post facto laws--Obligation of contracts--Forfeitures

Section 16


Section 17

Indictment or information--Preliminary examination--Prosecutions in courts not of record

Section 18
Last Amended 1996

Grand jury

Section 19
Last Amended 1990

Trial by jury

Section 20
Last Amended 1961

Rights of accused in criminal cases

Section 21

Self-incrimination--Double jeopardy

Section 22

Liberty of speech and press--Truth as evidence in prosecution for libel

Section 23

Private property--Taking or damaging for private use

Section 24
Last Amended 1990

Private property--Public use--Character of use a judicial question

Section 25

Contempt--Definition--Jury trial--Hearing

Section 26

Bearing arms--Carrying weapons

Section 27
Last Amended 1971

Witnesses not excused from testifying--Immunity from prosecution

Section 28

Corporate records, books and files

Section 29

Transportation out of State

Section 30

Unreasonable searches or seizures--Warrants, issuance of

Section 31

State--Engagement in occupation or business

Section 32


Section 33

Effect of enumeration of rights

Section 34
Last Amended 2018

Rights of victims

Section 35
Last Amended 2004

Marriage defined--Construction of law and Constitution--Recognition of out-of-state marriages--Penalty

Section 36
Last Amended 2008

Right to hunt, fish, trap and harvest game and fish

Section 36A
Last Amended 2012

Prohibition of special treatment or discrimination based on race or sex in public employment, education or contracts

Section 37
Last Amended 2010

Health care systems--Payment and participation

Section 1
Last Amended 1978

Qualifications of electors

Section 2
Last Amended 1978

State Election Board--Creation--Membership

Section 3
Last Amended 1978

Mandatory primary system--Nomination of candidates

Section 4
Last Amended 1978

Manner of holding and conducting elections--Registration of electors

Section 5
Last Amended 1978

Free and equal elections--Interference by civil or military power--Privilege from arrest

Section 1

Departments of government--Separation and distinction

Section 1

Legislature--Authority and composition--Powers reserved to people

Section 2
Last Amended 2010

Designation and definition of reserved powers--Determination of percentages

Section 3
Last Amended 1974

Petitions--Veto power--Elections--Time of taking effect--Style of bills--Duty of legislature

Section 4

Referendum against part of act

Section 5

Reservation of powers to voters of counties and districts--Manner of exercising

Section 5a
Last Amended 1913

Township organization or government--Abolition and restoration

Section 6

Subsequent proposal of rejected measure

Section 7

Powers of Legislature not affected

Section 8

Prevention of corruption

Section 9
Repealed 1964


Section 9(a)
Repealed 1964


Section 9A
Last Amended 1964

Senatorial districts--Tenure

Section 9(b)
Repealed 1964


Section 10
Repealed 1964


Section 10A
Last Amended 1964

House of Representatives--Number of members--Formula--Tenure

Section 11
Repealed 1964


Section 11A
Last Amended 2010

Legislature to apportion Legislature--Failure to make apportionment--Apportionment Commission

Section 11B
Last Amended 2010

Order of apportionment rendered by Commission

Section 11C
Last Amended 1964

Review of apportionment orders--Failure to seek review

Section 11D
Last Amended 1964

Determination by Supreme Court

Section 11E
Last Amended 1964

Compelling Commission to act--Consolidation of proceedings

Section 12-16
Repealed 1964


Section 17

Age--Qualified electors--Residence

Section 17A
Last Amended 1990

Limitation of time served in the legislature

Section 18

Ineligibility--Federal and state officers--Conviction of felony

Section 19

Expelled member ineligible--Punishment not to bar indictment

Section 20


Section 21
Last Amended 2006

Conflict of interests prohibited--Board on Legislative Compensation

Section 22

Privileges--Arrest--Speeches or debates

Section 23

Ineligibility to appointment to office--Interest in contracts

Section 24

Disclosure of personal or private interest

Section 25

Duration of first session

Section 26
Last Amended 1989

Regular sessions

Section 27
Last Amended 1966

Special sessions

Section 27A
Last Amended 1980

Calling special sessions

Section 28

Senate--President pro tempore--Standing committees

Section 29

Speaker of House of Representatives

Section 30

Judges of election of members--Quorum--Rules--Disorderly behavior--Journal

Section 31

Elections by Legislature--Voting and entry in journal

Section 32

Special and local laws--Notice of intended introduction

Section 33
Last Amended 1992

Revenue bills--Origination--Amendment--Limitations on passage--Effective date--Submission to voters

Section 34

Reading and passage of bills--Yeas and nays entered on journal

Section 35

Signing bills and resolutions--Entry on journal

Section 36

Extent of legislative authority--Specific grants not limitations

Section 37

Printing plant and state printer

Section 38

Geological and Economic Survey

Section 39

Boards of Health, Dentistry and Pharmacy--Pure Food Commission--Present practitioners

Section 40


Section 41

Firemen's pensions

Section 42

Contempt, disobedience of process and disorderly conduct

Section 43

Decennial revision of laws

Section 44

Unlawful restraints of trade

Section 45

Carrying Constitution into effect

Section 46

Local and special laws on certain subjects prohibited

Section 47

Retirement of officers

Section 48

Bureau of immigration

Section 49

Legislative employees--Number and emoluments

Section 50

Exemption of property from taxation

Section 51

Exclusive rights, privileges or immunities

Section 52

Revival of rights or remedies--Taking away cause of action or defense

Section 53
Last Amended 1954

Release or extinguishment of debts or liabilities to state, county or municipality

Section 54

Repeal of statute--Effect

Section 55

Appropriations--Necessity and requisites

Section 56

General appropriation bills--Salaries--Separate appropriation bills

Section 57

Subjects and titles--Revival or amendment by reference--Extent of invalidity

Section 58

Time of taking effect of statutes--Emergency measures

Section 59

Uniform operation of general laws--Special laws when general law applicable

Section 60

System of checks and balances

Section 61
Last Amended 1936

Pensions to police officers

Section 62
Last Amended 1942

Retirement benefits for teachers and school employees

Section 63
Last Amended 1962

Continuity of governmental operations in periods of emergency

Section 1
Last Amended 1988

Executive officers enumerated--Offices and records--Duties

Section 2

Supreme power vested in Governor

Section 3
Last Amended 1979

Eligibility to certain state offices

Section 4
Last Amended 2010

Terms of office--Succession

Section 5

Returns of election--Tie votes

Section 6

Commander-in-Chief of militia--Calling out militia

Section 7

Extraordinary sessions of Legislature

Section 8

Execution of laws--Intercourse with other states and United States--Conservator of peace

Section 9

Messages and communications to Legislature

Section 10
Last Amended 2012

Reprieves, commutations, paroles and pardons

Section 11

Approval or veto of bills--Passage over veto--Failure to return bill

Section 12

Appropriation bills--Approval or disapproval--Emergency bills

Section 13

Officers' commissions--Vacancies

Section 14

Adjournment of Legislature--Changing place of meeting

Section 15

Qualifications--President of Senate--Impeachment, etc., during vacancy in Governor's office

Section 16

Devolution of powers and duties of Governor upon Lieutenant Governor

Section 17

Duties generally

Section 18

Custody and use of seal--Designation

Section 19
Last Amended 1979

Qualifications, powers and duties

Section 20
Last Amended 1979

Department created--Duties

Section 21

Board of Arbitration and Conciliation

Section 22

Insurance Department established--Function

Section 23
Last Amended 2010

Commissioner--Election--Term of office--Qualifications

Section 24

Bond of commissioner--Additional duties and qualifications

Section 25
Last Amended 1986

Creation of office--Term and qualifications--Duties, oath and bond

Section 26
Repealed 1986


Section 27-30
Repealed 1979


Section 31
Last Amended 1913

Creation and membership--Status, authority and duties

Section 31a
Last Amended 1944

Board of regents for agricultural and mechanical schools and colleges--Members--Vacancies--Removal--Terms

Section 32
Last Amended 1979

Membership and functions

Section 33

Accounts and reports of officers and commissioners

Section 34

Compensation of officers

Section 35

Description of seal

Section 1
Last Amended 1967

Courts in which judicial power vested

Section 2
Last Amended 1967

Supreme Court Justices--Number--Terms--Vacancies--Qualifications--Chief Justice--Vice Chief Justice

Section 3
Last Amended 1967

Election of Justices and Judges--Vacancies

Section 4
Last Amended 1967

Jurisdiction of Supreme Court--Writs

Section 5
Last Amended 1967

Sessions--Quorum--Intermediate appellate courts--Form of decisions--Clerk of Supreme Court

Section 6
Last Amended 1967

Administrative authority--Director and staff

Section 7
Last Amended 1967

District Courts--Jurisdiction--Courts abolished--Transfer of jurisdiction, files, etc.

Section 8
Last Amended 1967

Classes of District Court Judges--Selection--Terms--Jurisdiction--Qualifications

Section 9
Last Amended 1967

Election of District Judges and Associate District Judges

Section 10
Last Amended 1967

Judicial Administrative Districts

Section 11

Salaries and expenses--Retirement

Section 12
Last Amended 1967

Continuing provisions

Section 13
Last Amended 1967

Savings clause

Section 14
Last Amended 1967

Effective dates--Implementing acts

Section 15
Last Amended 1967

Jury trials--Verdicts

Section 16
Last Amended 1967


Section 1
Last Amended 1966

Removal of judges from office--Compulsory retirement--Causes

Section 2
Last Amended 1966

Creation of Court on the Judiciary--Trial and Appellate Divisions--Jurisdiction--Membership

Section 3
Last Amended 1966

Presiding judge--Rules--Meetings--Clerk--Powers

Section 4
Last Amended 1966

Invoking jurisdiction by petition--Hearing

Section 5
Last Amended 1966

Appeal to Appellate Division

Section 6
Last Amended 1966

Established rules to apply--Judge pro tem--Compensation

Section 7
Last Amended 1966

Exclusive jurisdiction

Section 1
Last Amended 1967

Governing provisions--Definitions

Section 2
Last Amended 1967

Declaration of candidacy--Election

Section 3
Last Amended 2010

Judicial Nominating Commission

Section 4
Last Amended 1967

Vacancy in Judicial Office--Filling

Section 5
Last Amended 1967

Terms and election

Section 6
Last Amended 1967

Political activity prohibited

Section 7
Last Amended 1967

Effective date

Section 1
Last Amended 1966

Officers subject to impeachment--Grounds--Suspension from office upon felony conviction--Reinstatement--Temporary judges

Section 2

Removal of officers not subject to impeachment

Section 3

Presiding officer in case of impeachment--Presentation of impeachment

Section 4

Oath or affirmation--Number concurring

Section 5

Judgment of impeachment

Section 6

Necessary laws to be passed

Section 1


Section 2

Rights as to construction of lines

Section 3

Receipt of cars, tonnage and passengers from other lines

Section 4

Oil pipe line companies--Regulation--Duties

Section 5

Telegraph and telephone companies--Exchange of messages--Physical connections

Section 6

Railroads as public highways--Offices--Meetings--Reports--Enforcement

Section 7

Movable property as personal property--Liability of property to execution

Section 8

Consolidation of public service corporations--Common officer

Section 9
Last Amended 1913

Sales and leases--Additional restrictions on consolidation

Section 10

Street railroads--Consent to construction and operation

Section 11

Acceptance of provisions of Constitution

Section 12

Transportation of railroad's own commodities

Section 13

Free transportation of passengers

Section 14
Repealed 1992


Section 15
Last Amended 2010

Creation--Terms of office--Vacancies

Section 16

Qualifications of commissioners

Section 17

Oath of office--Additional oath

Section 18
Last Amended 1994

Powers and duties--Notice before taking action--Process for witnesses--Authority of Legislature--Municipal powers

Section 18a
Last Amended 1995

Organization--Quorum--Necessary vote

Section 18b

“Company” defined

Section 19

Powers of court of record--Additional powers--Failure or refusal to obey orders

Section 20
Last Amended 1941

Appeals to Supreme Court--Other courts to have no jurisdiction--Mandamus and prohibition

Section 21
Last Amended 1941

Supersedeas--Security--Accounts--Refunds--Precedence of appeals

Section 22
Last Amended 1941

Statement of reasons for action--Cause heard on record--Certification of facts and evidence--New or additional evidence

Section 23
Repealed 1941


Section 24
Last Amended 1941

Rights of action not affected--Questioning action of commission

Section 25

Reports and recommendations

Section 26

Railroad depots and depot buildings

Section 27

Railroad crossings at grade

Section 28

Inspection of books and papers--Examination of officers and agents

Section 29

Record of financial transactions

Section 30

Greater charge for less distance

Section 31
Last Amended 1913

Foreign corporations--Eminent domain--Restrictions on exercise

Section 32

Through rates--Investigation--Notice--Application to Interstate Commerce Commission

Section 33

Switches to mines, mills, elevators and industries

Section 34
Last Amended 1941

Definitions--Avoidance of conflicts with U.S. Constitution

Section 35

Power of Legislature

Section 36

Common law doctrine abrogated--Liability for acts of receivers--Power of Legislature

Section 37
Repealed 1986


Section 38

Creation or licensing--Necessity of general law

Section 39
Last Amended 1968

Restrictions on issuance of stock

Section 40

Influencing elections or official duty

Section 41
Last Amended 1968

Banks and trust companies--Restriction on controlling other stock

Section 42

Arbitration of differences with employees

Section 43
Last Amended 1968

Foreign corporations--Designation of resident agent--Service--Place of suit

Section 44

Foreign corporations subject to same restrictions and requirements as domestic corporations

Section 45

Monopoly or destruction of competition--Discrimination prohibited

Section 46

Grants of special or exclusive privileges

Section 47

Power to alter, amend or repeal charters or franchises

Section 48

Penalties and regulations

Section 1

Fiscal year

Section 2

Tax to defray state expenses

Section 3

Tax to pay deficiency

Section 4

Levy to pay state debt

Section 5

Surrender of power of taxation--Uniformity of taxes

Section 6
Last Amended 2002

Property exempt from taxation--Property exempt under territorial law--Certain property exempted for limited time--Special election to determine whether certain property exempt

Section 6A
Last Amended 2012

Intangible personal property exempt from ad valorem or other tax

Section 6A
Last Amended 2006

Tangible personal property moving through state--Situs

Section 6B
Last Amended 2002

Qualifying manufacturing concern--Ad valorem tax exemption

Section 6C
Last Amended 2004

Tax relief for historic preservation, reinvestment, or enterprise areas--Economic stagnation or decline--Use of local taxes and fees for public investments--Development or redevelopment of unproductive, etc. areas

Section 7

Assessments for local improvements

Section 8
Last Amended 1996

Valuation of property for taxation--Limit on percentage of fair cash value--Approval by voters

Section 8A
Last Amended 1992

Approval of exemption of household goods of heads of families and livestock employed in support of family--Adjusted millage rate--Computation procedure--Maximum rate

Section 8B
Last Amended 2012

Limit on percentage of fair cash value of real property

Section 8C

Limit on fair cash value on homestead

Section 8D
Last Amended 2008

Household personal property exemption--Permanently disabled veterans

Section 8E
Last Amended 2014

Homestead exemption--Military service disability

Section 8F
Last Amended 2014

Homestead exemption--Surviving spouse of military service members who died in the line of duty

Section 9
Last Amended 2000

Amount of ad valorem tax

Section 9A
Last Amended 1960

Additional county ad valorem tax levy for department of health

Section 9B
Last Amended 2012

Technology center school districts for technology center schools--Tax levies

Section 9C
Last Amended 1998

Emergency Medical Service Districts

Section 9D
Last Amended 1986

Solid waste management services

Section 10
Last Amended 2000

Increased rate for public buildings or for building fund for school districts--Permanent levy

Section 10A
Last Amended 1994

Tax levy for cooperative county libraries and joint city-county libraries

Section 10B
Last Amended 1988

Municipally-owned hospitals--Operation and maintenance--Tax levy

Section 11

Officer receiving interest, profit or perquisites

Section 12
Last Amended 1968

Special forms of taxation--Amounts--Reference to Federal taxation

Section 12a
Last Amended 1913

Common school taxes on property of public service corporations

Section 13

Independence of state taxation

Section 14
Last Amended 1998

Levy and collection by general laws and for public purposes--Assumption of debts

Section 15
Last Amended 1998

Pledge or loan of credit--Donation--Exceptions

Section 16

Borrowing money--Specification of purpose--Use

Section 17

Aid to corporations, etc., by counties, cities, towns, etc.

Section 18
Last Amended 1986


Section 19

Specification of purpose of tax--Devotion to another purpose

Section 20

Taxes for county, city, town or municipal purposes

Section 21
Last Amended 1979

State Board of Equalization--Assessment levels

Section 22

Classification of property

Section 22A
Last Amended 2008

Ad valorem tax exemption--Prohibition on filing for years prior to original application

Section 23
Last Amended 2010

Balanced budget--Procedures

Section 23a
Last Amended 1944

Surplus accruing to general revenue fund--Payment of bonded indebtedness--Investments--Appropriation of surplus

Section 23b
Last Amended 1998

Contracts for incarceration of state inmates with counties and municipalities

Section 24

Debts in case of invasion, insurrection, or war

Section 25

Authorization of debt--Annual tax--Submission to voters--Final passage

Section 26
Last Amended 1996

Indebtedness of political subdivisions--Assent of voters--Annual tax--Computation of amount of indebtedness

Section 27
Last Amended 1988

Indebtedness for purchase, construction or repair of public

Section 27A
Last Amended 1958

Municipal water and water facilities--Financing

Section 27B
Last Amended 1990

Political subdivisions--Public utilities financing--Indebtedness

Section 28

Revenue for sinking fund--Uses to which applied

Section 29

Bonds and evidence of indebtedness--Certificates as to compliance with law

Section 30

System of accounting

Section 31
Last Amended 1949

Indebtedness for construction, equipment, etc., of state buildings--Use of part of cigarette tax for payment

Section 32
Last Amended 1984

State public common school building equalization fund

Section 33
Last Amended 1955

Indebtedness for construction of buildings and other capital improvements--Restrictions--Term--Sources of payment

Section 33A
Last Amended 1986

State Industrial Finance Authority

Section 34
Last Amended 1960

Indebtedness for capital improvements to institutions of higher education--School and hospital for mentally retarded

Section 35
Last Amended 2002

Municipal and county levy for securing and developing industry

Section 36
Last Amended 1963

Indebtedness for capital improvements--University Medical Center

Section 37
Last Amended 1965

Bond issue for capital improvements at state institutions

Section 38
Last Amended 1968

Indebtedness for capital improvements at state institutions

Section 39
Last Amended 1984

Water resources and sewage treatment programs--Funding--State financial assistance--State liability

Section 39A
Last Amended 2012

Water Infrastructure Credit Enhancement Reserve Fund

Section 40
Last Amended 2000

Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund

Section 41
Last Amended 2004

Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund

Section 42
Last Amended 1988

Economic development credit enhancement reserve fund--General obligation bonds

Section 43
Last Amended 1992

State construction, remodeling or other capital improvements--Amount of indebtedness--Payment and discharge of debt--Issuance of bonds

Section 1

Acceptance of grants and donations--Pledge of faith of state

Section 2

Permanent school fund--How constituted--Use--Reimbursement for losses

Section 3

Interest and income--Use and apportionment

Section 4

Sale of lands for charitable, penal, educational and public purposes

Section 5

University and college lands--Control of institutions--Diversion of funds

Section 6
Last Amended 1994

Investment of permanent common school and other educational funds

Section 7
Last Amended 1988

Grants of commercial and agricultural leases in trust property

Section 1
Last Amended 1997

Extent and value of homestead--Rights of Indians--Temporary renting

Section 2

Exemption from forced sale--Consent of spouse to sale--Mortgages

Section 3

Statutes nullified--Exemption as to purchase price restricted--Encumbering personal exemptions--Change or amendment of article

Section 1
Last Amended 1935

Exemption from ad valorem taxation authorized

Section 2
Last Amended 1935

Duration of exemption--Increase of homestead

Section 1

Establishment and maintenance of public schools

Section 1a
Last Amended 1946

Appropriation and allocation of funds for support of common schools

Section 2
Last Amended 1976

Institutions for deaf and mute or blind

Section 3
Repealed 1966


Section 4

Compulsory school attendance

Section 5

Board of education

Section 6
Last Amended 1946

Textbook system for common schools--Official multiple textbook lists

Section 7

Instruction in agriculture, horticulture, stock feeding and domestic science

Section 8
Last Amended 1944

Board of Regents of University of Oklahoma

Section 1
Last Amended 1941

Oklahoma State System of Higher Education

Section 2
Last Amended 1941

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education--Establishment--Membership--Appointment--Terms--Vacancy--Powers as co-ordinating board of control

Section 3
Last Amended 1941


Section 4
Last Amended 1941

Co-ordination of private, denominational and other institutions of higher learning

Section 1
Last Amended 1948

Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges--Creation, members, terms, etc.

Section 2
Last Amended 1948

Powers and duties of board--Officers, supervisors, etc.

Section 3
Last Amended 1948

Successor to existing governing boards--Records, papers, etc.

Section 4
Last Amended 1948

Salaries and expenses--Allocation of funds for payment

Section 1

Banking department

Section 2
Last Amended 1968

Classification of loans and lenders--Licenses--Maximum rates of interest

Section 3

Excessive rate--Forfeiture of interest--Recovery of double interest

Section 1
Last Amended 1969

Officers required to take oath or affirmation--Form

Section 2

Administration and filing of oath--Refusal to take--False swearing

Section 1

Powers of Legislature respecting highways

Section 2

Acceptance of lands granted or reserved for highway

Section 3

System of levees, drains, and ditches and irrigation

Section 1

Counties to be bodies politic and corporate

Section 2

County and township offices

Section 3

Provision for persons in need

Section 4

Legislature to provide for creation or alteration--Submission to vote--Area, population and taxable wealth

Section 5

Disorganization of county

Section 6

Procedure for removal of county seat

Section 7


Section 8

Description of counties--Designation of county seats

Section 1

Creation--General or special laws--Classification

Section 2

Existing municipal corporations continued--Rights and powers

Section 3(a)

Framing and adoption of charter--Approval by Governor--Effect--Record--Amendment

Section 3(b)

Election of board of freeholders

Section 4(a)

Reservation of powers

Section 4(b)


Section 4(c)

Presentation of petition to legislation body--Submission to voters

Section 4(d)

Submission to referendum vote

Section 4(e)

Submission of amendment to charter

Section 5(a)

Grant, extension or renewal--Approval by voters--Term

Section 5(b)

Petition--Calling election--Result of election

Section 6

Business or enterprise--Right to engage in

Section 7

Control and regulation not divested--Surrender of powers--Exclusive franchises

Section 1

Foreign insurance companies--Conditions of doing business

Section 2

Entrance fees--Annual tax

Section 3

Non-profit insurance organizations

Section 4

Fees paid to State Treasurer

Section 1

Denaturized alcohol--Manufacture and sale

Section 2

Kerosene oil--Flash test--Specific gravity test

Section 1

Establishment and support

Section 1

Aliens--Ownership of land prohibited--Disposal of lands acquired

Section 2
Last Amended 1954

Corporations--Buying, acquiring or dealing in real estate

Section 1

Hours of labor on public work

Section 1A
Last Amended 2001

Participation in labor organization as condition of employment prohibited

Section 2

Contracting prohibited

Section 3

Children under fifteen

Section 4
Last Amended 1986

Employment underground--Hours of labor underground

Section 5

Health and safety of employees

Section 6

Contributory negligence--Assumption of risk--Questions for jury

Section 7
Last Amended 1985

Right of action--Amount of recovery--Exclusiveness of remedy under Workers' Compensation Law

Section 8

Contracts waiving benefits of Constitution invalid

Section 9

Notice or demand, stipulation for

Section 10

Change of salary during term--Extension of term--Continuance until qualification of successor

Section 11
Repealed 1978


Section 12
Last Amended 1992

State-administered retirement systems--Limitation on use of monies

Section 1
Last Amended 1974

Amendments proposed by Legislature--Submission to vote

Section 2

Constitutional convention to propose amendments or new constitution

Section 3

Right of amendment by initiative petition not impaired

Section 1
Last Amended 1941

Relief and care of needy aged and disabled persons--Co-operation with Federal plan

Section 2-4
Repealed 2012


Section 5
Last Amended 1936

Effect of legislation contemporaneously adopted

Section 6
Last Amended 2012

Department to administer human services and public welfare

Section 1
Last Amended 2020


Section 2
Last Amended 2020

Medicaid Expansion

Section 3
Last Amended 2020


Section 4
Last Amended 2020


Section 1
Last Amended 1956

Creation of Department--Wildlife Conservation Commission--Membership--Appointment--Tenure--Vacancies--Oath and bonds

Section 2
Last Amended 1956

Game and fish laws not repealed--Acquisition of property

Section 3
Last Amended 1956

Director of Wildlife Conservation

Section 4
Last Amended 1956

Disposition of funds

Section 1-11
Repealed 1984


Section 1-10
Repealed 2018


Section 11
Last Amended 1984


Section 1
Last Amended 2018

Beverages governed

Section 2
Last Amended 2018

Enactment of laws by Legislature--Direct shipment of alcoholic beverages--Direct sales of wine

Section 3
Last Amended 2018

Legislature to prescribe licenses

Section 4
Last Amended 2018

License requirements

Section 5
Last Amended 2018

Prohibition of sales to certain persons

Section 6
Last Amended 2018

Legislature to determine time of sales or service

Section 7
Last Amended 2018

Taxation of alcoholic beverages

Section 8
Last Amended 2018

State and political subdivisions prohibited from engaging in business

Section 9
Last Amended 2018

Occupation tax

Section 10
Last Amended 2018

Effective dates

Section 1
Last Amended 1990

Ethics Commission--Appointments--Qualifications--Terms--Vacancies--Quorum

Section 2
Last Amended 1990


Section 3
Last Amended 1990

Ethics Rules

Section 4
Last Amended 1990

Investigation--Decision--Subpoena Power

Section 5
Last Amended 1990

Ethics Interpretations

Section 6
Last Amended 1990

Criminal Penalties

Section 7
Last Amended 1990


In order that no inconveniences may arise by reason of a change from the forms of government now existing in Indian Territory and in the Territory of Oklahoma, it is hereby declared as follows:

Section 1

Existing rights, actions, etc.--Process previously issued

Section 2

Territorial laws continued in force

Section 3

Debts, fines, penalties and forfeitures

Section 4

Taking effect of Constitution

Section 5

Notaries public--Continuance in office

Section 6

Female notaries--Eligibility as notaries and county superintendent of public instruction

Section 7

Property of Territory of Oklahoma

Section 8

Judgments and records in Indian Territory and Osage Reservation as notice

Section 9

Judgments and records of Oklahoma Territory as notice

Section 10

Incorporated cities and towns--Continuance--Officers--Ordinances

Section 11

Taxes in incorporated cities and towns

Section 12

Local improvements and public buildings in cities and towns

Section 13

Acts of Congress as to mining--Chief Mine Inspector to be Oil Inspector

Section 14

Dental surgeons

Section 15

State officers--Compensation

Section 16

Justices of Supreme Court--District judges--Salaries

Section 17

Other state officers--Compensation as provided by law

Section 18

County and township officers

Section 19

Boards of Regents of educational institutions

Section 20

Division of property, assets and liabilities of counties

Section 21

Property, assets and liabilities of Day County

Section 22

Official seals

Section 23

Probate records and causes

Section 24

Seal of county court

Section 25

County, township and municipal indebtedness

Section 26

Transfer of cases to Supreme Court of State

Section 27

Transfer of cases to district court from territorial courts

Section 28

Amendment of Enabling Act accepted

Section 29

Judge of district court--Eligibility

Section 30

Eligibility to state office

Section 31

Osage County--Taxation

Section 32

School districts--Division of property, assets and liabilities

Section 33

Attorneys--Eligibility to practice

Section 34

Newspapers--Legal notices and advertisements

Section 35

Indebtedness of Constitutional Convention--Expenses of election

Section 36

Ordinance for submission of Constitution--Ratification

Section 37

Invalid indebtedness not validated

Section 38

Division of property, assets and liabilities of counties by Supreme Court

Section 39

Superintendents of public instruction--Qualifications

Section 40

State officers--Beginning of term

Section 41

Qualification of officers

Section 42

Official bonds

Section 43

Filing and preservation of Constitution

Section 1
Last Amended 2010

Official actions of state--English language