See Full Constitution
Article XV

Section 3. Contracts for work and materials; special revenue fund

All boats navigating the canals and the owners and masters thereof, shall be subject to such laws and regulations as have been or may hereafter be enacted concerning the navigation of the canals. The legislature shall annually make provision for the expenses of the superintendence and repairs of the canals, and may provide for the improvement of the canals in such manner as shall be provided by law notwithstanding the creation of a special revenue fund as provided in this section. All contracts for work or materials on any canal shall be made with the persons who shall offer to do or provide the same at the lowest responsible price, with adequate security for their performance as provided by law.
All funds that may be derived from any sale or other disposition of any barge canal lands, barge canal terminals, barge canal terminal lands or other canal lands and appertaining structures and any other funds collected for the use of the canals or canal lands shall be paid into a special revenue fund of the treasury. Such funds shall only be expended for the maintenance, construction, reconstruction, development or promotion of the canal, canal lands, or lands adjacent to the canal as provided by law.