Article XI.
Counties and Townships

Section 3. Township Organization

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Local Government, Legislation Affecting

The legislature may provide by law for the creation, organization, administration, consolidation, division, and dissolution of local government units and their functions, for the change of boundaries thereof, for their officers, including qualifications for office, both elective and appointive, and for the transfer of county seats. No county boundary shall be changed or county seat transferred until approved by a majority of the voters of each county affected voting thereon.

This item is based on 3 items:

1858 Article XI. Section 1

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1858 Article XI. Section 2

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1858 Article XI. Section 3

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Township Organization

Laws may be passed providing for the organization, for municipal and other town purposes, of any Congressional or fractional townships in the several counties in the State, provided that when a township is divided by county lines, or does not contain one hundred inhabitants, it may be attached to one or more adjoining townships or parts of townships, for the purposes aforesaid.