The Michigan Constitution

We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.

Section 1

Political power

Section 2

Equal protection; discrimination

Section 3

Assembly, consultation, instruction, petition

Section 4

Freedom of worship and religious belief; appropriations

Section 5

Freedom of speech and of press

Section 6

Bearing of arms

Section 7

Military power subordinate to civil power

Section 8

Quartering of soldiers

Section 9

Slavery and involuntary servitude

Section 10

Attainder; ex post facto laws; impairment of contracts

Section 11
Last Amended 2020

Searches and seizures

Section 12

Habeas corpus

Section 13

Conduct of suits in person or by counsel

Section 14

Jury trials

Section 15
Last Amended 1979

Double jeopardy; bailable offenses; commencement of trial if bail denied; bail hearing; effective date

Section 16

Bail; fines; punishments; detention of witnesses

Section 17

Self-incrimination; due process of law; fair treatment at investigations

Section 18

Witnesses; competency, religious beliefs

Section 19

Libels, truth as defense

Section 20
Last Amended 1994

Rights of accused in criminal prosecutions

Section 21

Imprisonment for debt

Section 22

Treason; definition, evidence

Section 23

Enumeration of rights not to deny others

Section 24
Last Amended 1988

Rights of crime victims; enforcement; assessment against convicted defendants

Section 25
Last Amended 2004

Union of one man and one woman as only agreement recognized as marriage or similar union

Section 26
Last Amended 2006

Affirmative Action

Section 27
Last Amended 2008

Human embryo and embryonic stem cell research

Section 28
Last Amended 2022

Right to reproductive freedom

Section 1

Qualifications of electors; residence

Section 2

Mental incompetence; imprisonment

Section 3

Presidential electors; residence

Section 4
Last Amended 2022

Place and manner of elections

Section 5

Time of elections

Section 6

Voters on tax limit increases or bond issues

Section 7
Last Amended 2022

Boards of canvassers

Section 8


Section 9

Initiative and referendum; limitations; appropriations; petitions

Section 10
Last Amended 1992

Limitations on terms of office of members of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate from Michigan

Section 1

Seat of government

Section 2

Separation of powers of government

Section 3

Great seal

Section 4


Section 5

Intergovernmental agreements; service by public officers and employees

Section 6

Internal improvements

Section 7

Common law and statutes, continuance

Section 8

Opinions on constitutionality by supreme court

Section 1
Last Amended 2018

Legislative power

Section 2
Last Amended 2018

Senators, number, term

Section 3
Last Amended 2018

Representatives, number, term; contiguity of districts

Section 4
Repealed 2018

Annexation or merger with a city

Section 5
Repealed 2018

Island areas, contiguity

Section 6
Last Amended 2018

Independent citizens redistricting commission for state legislative and congressional districts

Section 7

Legislators; qualifications, removal from district

Section 8

Ineligibility of government officers and employees

Section 9

Civil appointments, ineligibility of legislators

Section 10
Last Amended 2022

Conflicts of interest; financial disclosure reports

Section 11
Last Amended 1982

Legislators privileged from civil arrest and civil process; limitation; questioning for speech in either house prohibited

Section 12
Last Amended 2002

State officers compensation commission

Section 13

Legislature; time of convening, sine die adjournment, measures carried over

Section 14

Quorum; powers of less than quorum

Section 15

Legislative council

Section 16

Legislature; officers, rules of procedure, expulsion of members

Section 17

Committees; record of votes, public inspection, notice of hearings

Section 18

Journal of proceedings; record of votes, dissents

Section 19

Record of votes on elections and advice and consent

Section 20

Open meetings

Section 21

Adjournments, limitations

Section 22


Section 23

Style of laws

Section 24

Laws; object, title, amendments changing purpose

Section 25

Revision and amendment of laws; title references, publication of entire sections

Section 26

Bills; printing, possession, reading, vote on passage

Section 27

Laws, effective date

Section 28

Bills, subjects at special session

Section 29

Local or special acts

Section 30

Appropriations; local or private purposes

Section 31

General appropriation bills; priority, statement of estimated revenue

Section 32

Laws imposing taxes

Section 33

Bills passed; approval by governor or veto, reconsideration by legislature

Section 34

Bills, referendum

Section 35

Publication and distribution of laws and judicial decisions

Section 36

General revision of laws; compilation of laws

Section 37

Administrative rules, suspension by legislative committee

Section 38

Vacancies in office

Section 39

Continuity of government in emergencies

Section 40
Last Amended 1978

Alcoholic beverages; age requirement; liquor control commission; excise tax; local option

Section 41
Last Amended 2004


Section 42

Ports and port districts; incorporation, internal

Section 43

Bank and trust company laws

Section 44

Trial by jury in civil cases

Section 45

Indeterminate sentences

Section 46

Death penalty

Section 47

Chaplains in state institutions

Section 48

Disputes concerning public employees

Section 49

Hours and conditions of employment

Section 50

Atomic and new forms of energy

Section 51

Public health and general welfare

Section 52

Natural resources; conservation, pollution, impairment, destruction

Section 53

Auditor general; appointment, qualifications, term, removal, post audits

Section 54
Last Amended 2022

Limitation on terms of office

Section 1
Last Amended 2018

Executive power

Section 2
Last Amended 2018

Principal departments

Section 3

Single heads of departments; appointment, term

Section 4
Last Amended 2018

Commissions or agencies for less than 2 years

Section 5

Examining or licensing board members, qualifications

Section 6

Advice and consent to appointments

Section 7

Vacancies in office; filling, senatorial disapproval of appointees

Section 8

Principal departments, supervision of governor; information from state officers

Section 9

Principal departments, location

Section 10

Removal or suspension of officers; grounds, report

Section 11

Provisional appointments to fill vacancies due to suspension

Section 12

Military powers

Section 13

Elections to fill vacancies in legislature

Section 14

Reprieves, commutations and pardons

Section 15

Extra sessions of legislature

Section 16

Legislature other than at seat of government

Section 17

Messages and recommendations to legislature

Section 18

Budget; general and deficiency appropriation bills

Section 19

Disapproval of items in appropriation bills

Section 20

Reductions in expenditures

Section 21

State elective executive officers; term, election

Section 22

Governor and lieutenant governor, qualifications

Section 23

State elective executive officers, compensation

Section 24

Executive residence

Section 25

Lieutenant governor; president of senate, tie vote, duties

Section 26

Succession to governorship

Section 27

Salary of successor

Section 28
Last Amended 1978

State transportation commission; establishment; purpose; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; director of state transportation department

Section 29

Civil rights commission; members, term, duties, appropriation

Section 30
Last Amended 1992

Limitations on terms of executive officers

Section 1
Last Amended 2018

Judicial power in court of justice; divisions

Section 2

Justices of the supreme court; number, term, nomination, election

Section 3

Chief justice; court administrator; other assistants

Section 4
Last Amended 2018

General superintending control over courts; writs; appellate jurisdiction

Section 5

Court rules; distinctions between law and equity; master in chancery

Section 6

Decisions and dissents; writing, contents

Section 7

Staff; budget; salaries of justices; fees

Section 8

Court of appeals; election of judges, divisions

Section 9

Judges of court of appeals, terms

Section 10

Jurisdiction, practice and procedure of court of appeals

Section 11

Circuit courts; judicial circuits, sessions, number of judges

Section 12

Circuit judges; nomination, election, term

Section 13

Circuit courts; jurisdiction, writs, supervisory control over inferior courts

Section 14

County clerks; duties, vacancies; prosecuting attorneys, vacancies

Section 15

Probate courts; districts, jurisdiction

Section 16

Probate judges; nomination, election, terms

Section 17

Judicial salaries and fees

Section 18

Salaries; uniformity, changes during term

Section 19
Last Amended 1996

Courts of record; seal, qualifications of judges

Section 20
Last Amended 1968

Removal of domicile of judge

Section 21

Ineligibility for other office

Section 22
Last Amended 1968

Incumbent judges, affidavit of candidacy

Section 23
Last Amended 1968

Judicial vacancies, filling; appointee, term; successor; new offices

Section 24
Last Amended 1968

Incumbent judges, ballot designation

Section 25

Removal of judges from office

Section 26

Circuit court commissioners and justices of the peace, abolition; courts of limited jurisdiction

Section 27

Power of appointment to public office

Section 28

Administrative action, review

Section 29

Conservators of the peace

Section 30
Last Amended 1968

Judicial tenure commission; selection; terms; duties; power of supreme court

Section 1

Counties; corporate character, powers and immunities

Section 2

County charters

Section 3

Reduction of size of county

Section 4

County officers; terms, combination

Section 5

Offices at county seat

Section 6

Sheriffs; security, responsibility for acts, ineligibility for other office

Section 7

Boards of supervisors; members

Section 8

Legislative, administrative, and other powers and duties of boards

Section 9

Compensation of county officers

Section 10

Removal of county seat

Section 11

Indebtedness, limitation

Section 12

Navigable streams, permission to bridge or dam

Section 13

Consolidation of counties, approval by electors

Section 14

Organization and consolidation of townships

Section 15

County intervention in public utility service and rate proceedings

Section 16

Highways, bridges, culverts, airports; road tax limitation

Section 17

Townships; corporate character, powers and immunities

Section 18

Township officers; term, powers and duties

Section 19

Township public utility franchises

Section 20

Townships, dissolution; villages as cities

Section 21

Cities and villages; incorporation, taxes, indebtedness

Section 22

Charters, resolutions, ordinances; enumeration of powers

Section 23

Parks, boulevards, cemeteries, hospitals

Section 24

Public service facilities

Section 25

Public utilities; acquisition, franchises, sale

Section 26

Cities and villages, loan of credit

Section 27

Metropolitan governments and authorities

Section 28

Governmental functions and powers; joint administration, costs and credits, transfers

Section 29

Highways, streets, alleys, public places; control, use by public utilities

Section 30

Franchises and licenses, duration

Section 31

Vacation or alteration of roads, streets, alleys, public places

Section 32

Budgets, public hearing

Section 33

Removal of elected officers

Section 34

Construction of constitution and law concerning counties, townships, cities, villages

Section 1

Encouragement of education

Section 2
Last Amended 1970

Free public elementary and secondary schools; discrimination

Section 3

State board of education; duties

Section 4

Higher education institutions; appropriations, accounting, public sessions of boards

Section 5

University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Wayne State University; controlling boards

Section 6

Other institutions of higher education, controlling boards

Section 7

Community and junior colleges; state board, members, terms, vacancies

Section 8
Last Amended 1998

Services for disabled persons

Section 9

Public libraries, fines

Section 1

Taxes for state expenses

Section 2

Power of taxation, relinquishment

Section 3
Last Amended 1994

Property taxation; uniformity; assessments; limitations; classes; approval of legislature

Section 4

Exemption of religious or educational nonprofit organizations

Section 5
Last Amended 1994

Assessment of property of public service businesses

Section 6
Last Amended 1978

Real and tangible personal property; limitation on general ad valorem taxes; adoption and alteration of separate tax limitations; exceptions to limitations; property tax on school district extending into 2 or more counties

Section 7

Income tax

Section 8
Last Amended 1994

Sales and use taxes

Section 9
Last Amended 1978

Use of specific taxes on fuels for transportation purposes; authorization of indebtedness and issuance of obligations

Section 10
Last Amended 1994

Sales tax; distribution to local governments

Section 11
Last Amended 1994

State school aid fund; source; distribution; guarantee to local school district

Section 12

Evidence of state indebtedness

Section 13

Public bodies, borrowing power

Section 14

State borrowing; short term

Section 15

Long term borrowing by state

Section 16

State loans to school districts

Section 17

Payments from state treasury

Section 18

State credit

Section 19
Last Amended 2002

Subscription to or interest in stock by state prohibited; exceptions

Section 20
Last Amended 1978

Deposit of state money in certain financial institutions; requirements

Section 21

Accounting for public moneys

Section 22

Examination and adjustment of claims against state

Section 23

Financial records; statement of revenues and expenditures

Section 24

Public pension plans and retirement systems, obligation

Section 25
Last Amended 1978

Voter approval of increased local taxes; prohibitions; emergency conditions; repayment of bonded indebtedness guaranteed; implementation of section

Section 26
Last Amended 1978

Limitation on taxes; revenue limit; refunding or transferring excess revenues; exceptions to revenue limitation; adjustment of state revenue and spending limits

Section 27
Last Amended 1978

Exceeding revenue limit; conditions

Section 28
Last Amended 1978

Limitation on expenses of state government

Section 29
Last Amended 1978

State financing of activities or services required of local government by state law

Section 30
Last Amended 1978

Reduction of state spending paid to units of local government

Section 31
Last Amended 1978

Levying tax or increasing rate of existing tax; maximum tax rate on new base; increase in assessed valuation of property; exceptions to limitations

Section 32
Last Amended 1978

Suit to enforce sections 25 to 31

Section 33
Last Amended 1978

Definitions applicable to sections 25 to 32

Section 34
Last Amended 1978

Implementation of sections 25 to 33

Section 35
Last Amended 2020

Michigan natural resources trust fund

Section 35a
Last Amended 2020

Michigan state parks endowment fund

Section 36
Last Amended 1994

Tax on tobacco products; dedication of proceeds, improvement of health care quality

Section 37
Last Amended 2002

Michigan veterans' trust fund; establishment; appropriations

Section 38
Last Amended 1996

Michigan veterans' trust fund; board of trustees; establishment

Section 39
Last Amended 1996

Michigan veterans' trust fund; board of trustees; duty; expenditures or transfers

Section 40
Last Amended 2006

Michigan conservation and recreation legacy fund

Section 41
Last Amended 2006

Michigan game and fish protection trust fund

Section 42
Last Amended 2006

Michigan nongame fish and wildlife trust fund

Section 1

Disabilities of coverture abolished; separate property of wife; dower

Section 2
Last Amended 2006

Eminent domain; compensation

Section 3

Homestead and personalty, exemption from process

Section 4


Section 5

State lands

Section 6

Resident aliens, property rights

Section 1

Oath of public officers

Section 2

Terms of office of state and county officers

Section 3

Extra compensation

Section 4

Custodian of public moneys; eligibility to office, accounting

Section 5
Last Amended 1978

Classified state civil service; scope; exempted positions; appointment and terms of members of state civil service commission; state personnel director; duties of commission; collective bargaining for state police troopers and sergeants; appointments, promotions, demotions, or removals; increases or reductions in compensation; creating or abolishing positions; recommending compensation for unclassified service; appropriation; reports of expenditures; annual audit; payment for personal services; violation; injunctive or mandamus proceedings.

Section 6

Merit systems for local governments

Section 7

Impeachment of civil officers

Section 8
Last Amended 2010

Disqualification; felony conviction for dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or breach of public trust

Section 1

Amendment by legislative proposal and vote of electors

Section 2

Amendment by petition and vote of electors

Section 3

General revision of constitution; submission of question, convention delegates and meeting

Section 4
Last Amended 1992


To insure the orderly transition from the constitution of 1908 to this constitution the following schedule and temporary provisions are set forth to be effective for such period as are thereby required.

Section 1

Recommendations by attorney general for changes in laws

Section 2

Existing public and private rights, continuance

Section 3

Officers, continuance in office

Section 4

Officers elected in spring of 1963, term

Section 5

State elective executive officers and senators, 2 and 4 year terms

Section 6

Supreme court, reduction to 7 justices

Section 7

Judges of probate, eligibility for re-election

Section 8

Judicial officers, staggered terms

Section 9

State board of education; first election, terms

Section 10

Boards controlling higher education institutions and state board of public community and junior colleges, terms

Section 11

Michigan State University trustees and Wayne State University governors, terms

Section 12

Initial allocation of departments by law or executive order

Section 13

State contracts, continuance

Section 14

Mackinac Bridge Authority; refunding of bonds, transfer of functions to highway department

Section 15

Submission of constitution; time, notice

Section 16

Voters, ballots, effective date