The Illinois Constitution

We, the People of the State of Illinois--grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing upon our endeavors--in order to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality; assure legal, social and economic justice; provide opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves and our posterity--do ordain and establish this Constitution for the State of Illinois.

Section 1

Inherent and Inalienable Rights

Section 2

Due Process and Equal Protection

Section 3

Religious Freedom

Section 4

Freedom of Speech

Section 5

Right to Assemble and Petition

Section 6

Searches, Seizures, Privacy and Interceptions

Section 7

Indictment and Preliminary Hearing

Section 8
Last Amended 1994

Rights after Indictment

Section 8.1
Last Amended 2014

Crime Victims’ Rights

Section 9
Last Amended 1986

Bail and Habeas Corpus

Section 10

Self-Incrimination and Double Jeopardy

Section 11

Limitation of Penalties after Conviction

Section 12

Right to Remedy and Justice

Section 13

Trial by Jury

Section 14

Imprisonment for Debt

Section 15

Right of Eminent Domain

Section 16

Ex Post Facto Laws and Laws Impairing Contracts

Section 17

No Discrimination in Employment and the Sale or Rental of Property

Section 18

No Discrimination on the Basis of Sex

Section 19

No Discrimination against the Handicapped

Section 20

Individual Dignity

Section 21

Quartering of Soldiers

Section 22

Right to Arms

Section 23

Fundamental Principles

Section 24

Rights Retained

Section 25
Last Amended 2022

Workers’ rights

Section 1

Separation of Powers

Section 2

Powers of Government

Section 1
Last Amended 1988

Voting Qualifications

Section 2

Voting Disqualifications

Section 3


Section 4

Election Laws

Section 5

Board of Elections

Section 6

General Election

Section 7
Last Amended 2010

Initiative to Recall Governor

Section 8
Last Amended 2014

Voter discrimination

Section 1
Last Amended 1980

Legislature--Power and Structure

Section 2
Last Amended 1980

Legislative Composition

Section 3

Legislative Redistricting

Section 4


Section 5


Section 6


Section 7

Transaction of Business

Section 8

Passage of Bills

Section 9

Veto Procedure

Section 10
Last Amended 1994

Effective Date of Laws

Section 11

Compensation and Allowances

Section 12

Legislative Immunity

Section 13

Special Legislation

Section 14


Section 15


Section 1


Section 2


Section 3


Section 4

Joint Election

Section 5


Section 6

Gubernatorial Succession

Section 7

Vacancies in Other Elective Offices

Section 8

Governor--Supreme Executive Power

Section 9

Governor--Appointing Power

Section 10


Section 11

Governor--Agency Reorganization

Section 12


Section 13

Governor--Legislative Messages

Section 14

Lieutenant Governor--Duties

Section 15

Attorney General--Duties

Section 16

Secretary of State--Duties

Section 17


Section 18


Section 19


Section 20


Section 21


Section 1


Section 2

Judicial Districts

Section 3

Supreme Court--Organization

Section 4

Supreme Court--Jurisdiction

Section 5

Appellate Court--Organization

Section 6

Appellate Court--Jurisdiction

Section 7

Judicial Circuits

Section 8

Associate Judges

Section 9

Circuit Courts--Jurisdiction

Section 10

Terms of office

Section 11

Eligibility for Office

Section 12

Election and Retention

Section 13

Prohibited Activities

Section 14

Judicial Salaries and Expenses--Fee Officers Eliminated

Section 15
Last Amended 1998


Section 16


Section 17

Judicial Conference

Section 18

Clerk of Courts

Section 19

State's Attorneys--Selection, salary

Section 1

Municipalities and Units of Local Government

Section 2

County Territory, Boundaries and Seats

Section 3

County Boards

Section 4

County Officers

Section 5


Section 6

Powers of Home Rule Units

Section 7

Counties and Municipalities Other Than Home Rule Units

Section 8

Powers and Officers of School Districts and Units of Local Government other than Counties and Municipalities

Section 9

Salaries and Fees

Section 10

Intergovernmental Cooperation

Section 11

Initiative and Referendum

Section 12

Implementation of Governmental Changes

Section 1

General Provisions

Section 2

State Finance

Section 3

State Audit and Auditor General

Section 4

Systems of Accounting, Auditing and Reporting

Section 1

State Revenue Power

Section 2

Non-Property Taxes--Classification, Exemptions, Deductions, Allowances and Credits

Section 3

Limitations on Income Taxation

Section 4

Real Property Taxation

Section 5

Personal Property Taxation

Section 6

Exemptions From Property Taxation

Section 7

Overlapping Taxing Districts

Section 8

Tax Sales

Section 9

State Debt

Section 10

Revenue Article Not Limited

Section 11

Transportation funds

Section 1

Goal--Free Schools

Section 2

State Board of Education--Chief State Educational Officer

Section 3

Public Funds for Sectarian Purposes Forbidden

Section 1

Public Policy--Legislative Responsibility

Section 2

Rights of Individuals

Section 1


Section 2

Subordination of Military Power

Section 3

Organization, Equipment and Discipline

Section 4

Commander-in-Chief and Officers

Section 5

Privilege from Arrest

Section 1

Disqualification for Public Office

Section 2

Statement of Economic Interests

Section 3

Oath or Affirmation of Office

Section 4

Sovereign Immunity Abolished

Section 5

Pension and Retirement Rights

Section 6


Section 7

Public Transportation

Section 8

Branch Banking

Section 1

Constitutional Convention

Section 2

Amendments by General Assembly

Section 3

Constitutional Initiative for Legislative Article

Section 4

Amendments to the Constitution of the United States

Section 1

Delayed Effective Dates

Section 2

Prospective Operation of Bill of Rights

Section 3

Election of Executive Officers

Section 4

Judicial Offices

Section 5

Local Government

Section 6

Authorized Bonds

Section 7

Superintendent of Public Instruction

Section 8

Cumulative Voting for Directors

Section 9

General Transition

Section 10

Accelerated Effective Date