Additional Resources

This page contains a curated list of resources on the history of the Alaska Constitution. To the extent possible, links are to publicly accessible copies of the sources listed. Where that is not possible, the link directs to an online database.


Gerald A. McBeath, The Alaska State Constitution

Gerald A. McBeath, The Alaska State Constitution: A Reference Guide

Victor Fischer, Alaska’s Constitutional Convention


Alaska Bar, Sources of Alaska Legal History: An Annotated Bibliography, Part I, 110 Law Libr. J. 333 (2018)

Alaska Bar, Sources of Alaska Legal History: An Annotated Bibliography, Part I, 110 Law Libr. J. 477 (2018)

Paul C. Bartholomew, The Constitution of the State of Alaska, 40 S.W. Soc. Sci. Q. 40 (1959)

Erwin Chemerinsky, The Alaska Constitution and the Future of Individual Rights, 35 Alaska L. Rev. 117 (2018)

William L. Iggiagruk Hensley & John Sky Starkey, Alaska Native Perspectives on the Alaska Constitution, 35 Alaska L. Rev. 129 (2018)

Thomas Metzloff, Preparing the Way: Tom Stewart's Recollections on the Alaska State Constitutional Convention, 35 Alaska Law Review 289 (2018) (arranging Thomas B. Stewart, Recollections on the Writing of the Alaska State Constitution (1992) (unpublished manuscript) (on file with the Alaska Law Review))

Michael Schwaiger, Understanding the Unoriginal: Indeterminant Originalism and Independent Interpretation of the Alaska Constitution

Thomas V. Van Flein, The Baker Doctrine and the New Federalism: Developing Independent Constitutional Principles Under the Alaska Constitution, 21 Ala. L. Rev. 227 (2004)

Robert F. Williams, Alaska, the Last Statehood Constitution, and Subnational Rights and Governance, 35 Alaska L. Rev. 139 (2018)

Convention Records

Alaska Constitutional Convention Audio Recordings

Alaska Constitutional Convention: Minutes of the Daily Proceedings

Constitutional Studies, Prepared on Behalf of the Alaska Statehood Committee for the Alaska Constitutional Convention

Handbook for Delegates to the Alaska Constitutional Convention

Constitutional Convention Proceedings

Constitutional Convention Files

Proposed Constitution for the State of Alaska: A Report to the People of Alaska from the Alaska Constitutional Convention

Legislative Publications

Guide to Constitutional Convention Research

100 Years of Alaska’s Legislature

Gordon Harrison, Alaska’s Constitution: A Citizen’s Guide

Additional Databases

Alaska Constitutional Convention and Statehood Archival Collection

The Alaska State Constitutional Convention Clearinghouse