Section 3. Description of Election Districts
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Description of Election Districts
Description of Election Districts
The election districts set forth in Section 1 shall include the following territory:
1. Prince of Wales: All of Prince of Wales, Dall, Forrester, Suemez, Baker, Lulu, Noyes, Warren, Kosciusko and the Kashevarof Islands as well as adjacent off-shore islands.
2. Ketchikan: That area of the mainland drained by streams flowing into Revillagigedo Channel, Behm Canal, Burroughs Bay, and east side of Clarence Strait from the southernmost point of the Alaska-British Columbia boundary line to and including Lemesurier Point; and those islands south of Ernest Sound and east of Clarence Strait, including Revillagigedo, Gravina, Annette, and Duke Islands, and other adjacent smaller islands.
3. Wrangell-Petersburg: That area of the mainland north of Election District No. 2 and south of, and including, the area draining into Frederick Sound to Cape Fanshaw on the north, and partly bounded on the north by a line drawn between Cape Fanshaw and the north side of Pybus Bay; that area of Admiralty Island drained by streams flowing into Frederick Sound; that area of Baranof Island drained by streams flowing into Chatham Strait to but not including that area drained by streams flowing into Peril Strait; and including Kupreanof, Mitkof, Kuiu and Coronation Islands and other smaller adjacent islands.
4. Sitka: Those parts of Admiralty, Chichagof, and Baranof Islands not included in Election Districts No. 3, 5 and 6; and Kruzof Island and other smaller adjacent islands.
5. Juneau: The mainland north of Election District No. 3 up to and including the area drained by streams flowing into Berners Bay on the north; and that area of Admiralty Island north of Election District No. 3 and drained by streams flowing into Stephens Passage, Seymour Canal, Lynn Canal, and their tributaries; and including Douglas, Shelter and Benjamin Islands, and other small adjacent islands.
6. Lynn Canal-Icy Straits: That part of the mainland, not included in Election District No. 5, drained by streams flowing into Lynn Canal, Glacier Bay, Icy Strait, Cross Sound, and their tributaries, and the Pacific Ocean, to and including the area drained into Icy Bay to the west; those parts of Admiralty and Chichagof Islands drained by streams flowing into Icy Strait, Cross Sound, and their tributaries; and Yakobi, Lemesurier, and Pleasant Islands, and other smaller adjacent islands.
7. Cordova-McCarthy: That area draining into the Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound, from but not including that area draining into the south side of Icy Bay on the east to Knowles Head on the west, including Hawkins, Hinchinbrook, Kayak, and Middleton Islands, and other smaller adjacent islands; and that area drained by the Copper River and its tributaries up to and not including the Tiekel River on the west, and up to and including the Chitina River on the east.
8. Valdez-Chitina-Whittier: That area drained by all streams flowing into Prince William Sound from Cape Junken on the west to Knowles Head on the east, including Montague, Latouche, and Knight Islands, and adjacent smaller islands; and all of the area drained by the Copper River and its tributaries above and including the Tiekel River on the west, and above but not including the Chitina River on the east.
9. Palmer-Wasilla-Talkeetna: That area from and including Susitna on the south, drained by the Susitna River and its tributaries; and that area drained by the Little Susitna River from and including Flat Lake on the south; and that area draining into Knik Arm from and including Fish Creek and its tributaries on the west side of Knik Arm, to and including the area draining into the Knik River from the north, and from the south to the highway bridge.
10. Anchorage: That area around Turnagain Arm and east of Knik Arm drained by streams flowing into Turnagain Arm and Knik Arm, from and including Placer River on the south, to and including the Knik River highway bridge on the north; that area east of Knik Arm and north of Cook Inlet drained by Goose Creek and its tributaries on the east, and the Little Susitna River south of Flat Lake, and the Susitna River south of but not including Susitna; the area west of Cook Inlet drained by Ivan, Lewis, Theodore Rivers and their tributaries, to but not including Beluga River on the south.
11. Seward: That part of Kenai Peninsula draining into the Gulf of Alaska from Gore Point on the west to Cape Junken on the east; and the area draining into Turnagain Arm from and including the drainage of Resurrection Creek on the west to but not including Placer River on the east, and to and including the confluence of the Kenai and Russian Rivers on the west.
12. Kenai-Cook Inlet: That area of Kenai Peninsula drained by streams flowing into the Gulf of Alaska, Cook Inlet, and Turnagain Arm, from and including the area drained into Port Dick on the south to Gore Point, to but not including Resurrection Creek on the north, and the area east of the confluence of the Kenai and Russian Rivers; and that area west of Cook Inlet drained by all streams flowing into Cook Inlet from Cape Douglas on the south, to and including the Beluga River; including Elizabeth Island and adjacent Islands in Cook Inlet.
13. Kodiak: The part of the Alaska Peninsula drained by all streams flowing into the Pacific Ocean from Cape Douglas on the east to but not including Kujulik Bay on the west; and all adjacent off-shore islands, including the Semidi Islands, and Kodiak, Afognak, Trinity, Chirikof Islands, and other smaller islands in the immediate vicinity, such as the Barren Islands and the Chugach Islands.
14. Aleutian Islands: The part of the Alaska Peninsula west of and including the drainage of Meshik River and Kujulik Bay; and all of the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands and adjacent off-shore islands west of and excluding the Semidi Islands and Sutwik Island.
15. Bristol Bay: The area drained by all streams flowing into Bristol Bay from Cape Newenham on the west to but not including the Meshik River on the south.
16. Bethel: The area drained by all streams flowing into Baird Inlet, Etolin Strait, and Kuskokwim Bay; that area drained by the Kuskokwim River and its tributaries up to, and including, the area drained by the Tuluksak River on the east bank of the Kuskokwim River; and the area drained by tributaries up to the opposite point on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River; and including Nunivak Island and St. Matthew Island and adjacent islands.
17. Kuskokwim: The area drained by the Kuskokwim River and its tributaries above and not including the area drained by the Tuluksak River on the east bank; and the area drained by tributaries above the opposite point on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River; and the area drained by the Yukon River from Tuckers Slough, to but not including the area drained by the Khotol River.
18. Yukon-Koyukuk: The area drained by all streams and their tributaries flowing into the Yukon River from and including Khotol River on the west to and including Hess Creek on the east; and that area drained by the Tanana River and its tributaries up to but not including Clear Creek, near Blair Lakes, on the east; and that part of Goldstream Creek up to but not including Nugget Creek and Spinach Creek; and that portion drained by the Chatanika River up to but not including Vault Creek.
19. Fairbanks: That area drained by the Tanana River and its tributaries from and including Clear Creek, near Blair Lakes, on the west, to the Alaska-Canada boundary on the east; and also that area drained by Goldstream Creek and its tributaries up stream from, and including, Nugget Creek and Spinach Creek; and that portion drained by the Chatanika River and its tributaries up stream from, and including, Vault Creek.
20. Upper Yukon: That area drained by the Yukon River and its tributaries from, but not including Hess Creek on the west, to the Alaska-Canada boundary; and that area drained by streams flowing into the Arctic Ocean from, but not including, Kuparuk River on the west, to the Alaska boundary.
21. Barrow: The area drained by all streams flowing into the Arctic Ocean from Cape Lisburne on the west, to and including the area drained by the Kuparuk River and its tributaries on the east.
22. Kobuk: The area drained by all streams flowing into the Arctic Ocean and Kotzebue Sound, from Cape Lisburne on the north, to and including the area drained by the Goodhope River and its tributaries on the south.
23. Nome: That part of the Seward Peninsula and adjacent areas drained by all streams flowing into the Kotzebue Sound, Bering Strait and Norton Sound, from, but not including, the area drained by the Goodhope River and its tributaries on the north, to but not including, the area drained by the Pastolik River on the south; and King, Little Diomede, St. Lawrence, Sledge, and Stuart Islands, as well as adjacent offshore islands.
24. Wade Hampton: The area drained by the lower Yukon River and its tributaries, from Tuckers Slough to the mouth at the Bering Sea; and the area drained by all streams flowing into the Bering Sea and Norton Sound, from and including Hazen Bay on the south, to and including the Pastolik River on the north.