Article VI.
Administrative Department

Section 8.

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Every county officer shall be an elector of the county, and the county assessor, county sheriff, county coroner and county surveyor shall possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by law. All county and city officers shall keep their respective offices at such places therein, and perform such duties, as may be prescribed by law.

Every county officer shall be an elector of the county, and the county sheriff, county coroner and county surveyor shall possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by law. All county and city officers shall keep their respective offices at such places therein, and perform such duties, as may be prescribed by law.

Every county officer shall be an elector of the county, and the county coroner and county surveyor shall possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by law; and all county, township, precinct and city officers shall keep their respective offices at such places therein, and perform such duties, as may be prescribed by law.

Qualifications of County Officers

No person shall be elected, appointed to a county office, who shall not be an elector of the County; and all county, township, precinct, and City officers shall keep their respective offices at such places therein, and perform such duties as may be prescribed by law.