Article VI.
Administrative Department

Section 6.

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There shall be elected in each county by the qualified electors thereof at the time of holding general elections, a county clerk, treasurer and sheriff who shall severally hold their offices for the term of four years.

There shall be elected in each county by the qualified electors thereof at the time of holding general elections, a county clerk, treasurer, sheriff, coroner and surveyor, who shall severally hold their offices for the term of four years.
The provision of this section, fixing the term of office for four years, is self-executing and shall become effective on the first Monday of January, 1921, when said county officers, elected at the regular November, 1920, election shall qualify.

County Officers

There shall be elected in each county, by the qualified electors thereof, at the time of holding general elections, a County Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff, Coroner, and Surveyor, who shall severally hold their offices for the term of two years.