Article XII.
State Printer

Section 1. Election, Qualifications, Duties, Compensation, Etc

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Election, Qualifications, Duties, Compensation, Etc

Laws may be enacted providing for the state printing and binding, and for the election or appointment of a State Printer, who shall have had not less than ten years' experience in the art of printing. The State Printer shall receive such compensation as may from time to time be provided by law. Until such laws shall be enacted the State Printer shall be elected and the printing done as heretofore provided by this constitution and the general laws.

Election, Qualifications, Duties, Compensation, Etc

The legislative assembly of the State of Oregon is hereby empowered to provide by law for the election of a state printer, to provide for his compensation, and to prescribe his powers and duties.

Election, Qualifications, Duties, Compensation, Etc

There shall be elected by the qualified electors of the State, at the times and places of choosing members of the Legislative Assembly, a State Printer, who shall hold his office for the term of four years. He shall perform all the public printing for the State, which may be provided by law. The rates to be paid to him for such printing shall be fixed by law, and shall neither be increased, nor diminished during the term for which he shall have been elected. He shall give such security for the performance of his duties as the Legislative Assembly my provide.