Article IV.
Legislative Department

Section 6.

Select dates to read amendment and select a date from the dropdown to compare the changes.

(1) The number of senators and representatives shall, at the session next following an enumeration of the inhabitants by the United States government, be fixed by law and apportioned among the several counties according to the population in each. The ratio of senators and representatives, respectively, shall be determined by dividing the total population the state by the number of senators and by the number of representatives. The number of senators and representatives for each county or district shall be determined by dividing the total population of such county or district by such respective ratios: and when a fraction exceeding one-half results from such division, such county or district shall be entitled to a member for such fraction. In case any county does not have the requisite population to entitle it to a member, then such county shall be attached to some adjoining county or counties for senatorial or representative purposes.

(2) (a) Original jurisdiction hereby is vested in the Supreme Court upon the petition of any qualified elector of the state filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court prior to September 1 of the year in which the Legislative Assembly enacts a reapportionment measure, to review any measure so enacted.
(b) If the Supreme Court determines that the measure thus reviewed complies with subsection (1) it shall dismiss the petition by written opinion prior to October 1 of the same year and the legislative enactment shall become operative upon the date of the opinion.
(c) If the Supreme Court determines that the measure does not comply with subsection (1) of this section, said measure shall be null and void, and the Supreme Court shall direct the Secretary of State to draft a reapportionment of the senators and representatives in compliance with subsection (1), and return the draft to the Supreme Court by October 1 of the same year. The Supreme Court shall review the draft thus returned to it and if it be in compliance with subsection (1), shall file it with the Governor prior to November 1 of the same year and it shall become law upon the date of the filing.
(d) If the Supreme Court shall determine that the draft returned to it by the Secretary of State as provided in paragraph (c) above does not comply with subsection (1) of this section, the Supreme Court shall return it forthwith to the Secretary of State accompanied by a written opinion specifying with particularity wherein the draft fails to comply with the requirements of subsection (1) of this section. The opinion shall further direct the Secretary of State to correct the draft in those particulars and in no others, and file the corrected reapportionment with the Governor prior to November 1 of the same year, and it shall become law upon the date of filing.

(3) (a) If the Legislative Assembly fails to enact any reapportionment measure by July 1 of the year of the session of the Legislative Assembly next following an enumeration of the inhabitants by the United States Government, the Secretary of State shall make a reapportionment of the senators and representatives in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) of this section. The reapportionment so made shall be filed with the Governor by August 1 of the same year, and shall become law upon the date of filing.
(b) Original jurisdiction hereby is vested in the Supreme Court upon the petition of any qualified elector of the state filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court prior to September 1 of the same year to review any reapportionment so made by the Secretary of State.
(c) If the Supreme Court determines that the reapportionment law thus reviewed complies with subsection (1), it shall dismiss the petition by written opinion prior to October 1 of the same year and the reapportionment law shall become operative upon the date of the opinion.
(d) If the Supreme Court determines that the reapportionment law thus reviewed as provided in paragraph (c) above does not comply with subsection (1) of this section, said reapportionment law shall be null and void, and the Supreme Court shall return it forthwith to the Secretary of State accompanied by a written opinion specifying with particularity wherein the reapportionment fails to comply with subsection (1) of this section. The opinion shall further direct the Secretary of State to correct the reapportionment in those particulars, and in no others, and file the corrected reapportionment with the Governor prior to November 1 of the same year, and it shall become law upon the date of filing.

(4) Until the effective date of the reapportionment following the next enumeration of inhabitants by the United States Government, the senators and representatives are apportioned as follows:
(a) The senatorial districts, the counties constituting the districts and the number of senators to which the districts are entitled are as follows:
[See Table 1]
(b) The representative districts, the counties constituting the districts and the number of representatives to which the districts are entitled are as follows:
[See Table 2]
(c) Any senator elected or appointed to the office of senator for a term expiring either the day after the regular general election in 1956 or on the Sunday preceding the first Monday in January, 1957, shall continue, for the duration of his term, to hold office as senator, representing the district established under paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of this section in which is located the county in which he resided at the time of his election or appointment; except that the senator representing the former seventeenth district for a term expiring on either of the above days shall continue to hold office and shall represent the seventeenth and eighteenth districts as established by this section until the expiration of his term, and except that the senator representing the former sixteenth district and the senator representing the former eighteenth district for terms expiring on either of the above days shall continue to hold office and shall represent the sixteenth district as established under this section until the expiration of their terms.

(5) This amendment shall not become operative until the day of the regular general election in 1954, except that it shall be operative prior thereto for the purpose of nomination of candidates to be voted upon for the office of senator or representative at the regular general election in 1954.

Table 1.

DistrictsCountiesNo. of Senators
7thCoos and Curry1
14thClatsop and Columbia1
15thTillamook and Lincoln1
16thHood River, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow, Wasco, and Wheeler1
17thJefferson, Deschutes, Crook, and Lake1
20thUnion, Wallowa, and Baker1
21stGrant, Malheur, and Harney1

Table 2.

DistrictsCountiesNo. of Representatives
6thWashington and Yamhill1
17thCoos and Curry1
20thHood River1
22ndMorrow, Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler1
24thUnion and Wallowa1
25thJefferson and Crook1
28thLake, Harney and Grant1


The number of Senators and Representatives shall at the session next following an enumeration of the inhabitants by the United States, or this State, be fixed by law, and apportioned among the several counties according to the number of white population in each. - And the ratio of Senators, and Representatives shall be determined by dividing the whole number of white population of such county, or district by such respective ratios; and when a fraction shall result from such division, which shall exceed one half of said ratio, such county, or district—shall be entitled to a member for such fraction; And in case any county shall not have the requisite population to entitle such county to a member, then such county shall be attached to some adjoining county for Senatorial or Representative purposes.

Redlined Comparison between 1859 and 1952 Amendment

Removed from 1859 Added to 1952

Note: Tabular content is excluded from redline.
