Section 5.
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There shall be elected in each county the following county officers who shall possess the qualifications for suffrage prescribed by Section 2 of Article IX of this constitution and such other qualifications as may be prescribed by law:
One county clerk who shall be clerk of the board of county commissioners and ex-officio recorder; one sheriff; one treasurer, who shall be collector of the taxes, provided, that the county treasurer shall not be eligible to his office for the succeeding term; one country superintendent of schools; one county surveyor; one assessor; one coroner; on public administrator. Persons elected to the different offices for the term of four (4) years, all county, township and precinct offices, except that of county commissioners, shall be filled by appointment by the board of county commissioners, and the appointee shall hold his office until the next general election; provided, however, that the board of county commissioners of any county may, in its discretion, consolidate any two or more of the within named offices and combined the powers and the duties of the said offices consolidated; however, the provisions hereof shall not be construed as allowing one (1) office incumbent to be entitled to the salaries and emoluments of two (2) or more offices; provided, further, that in consolidating county offices, the board of county commissioners shall, six (6) months prior to the general election held for the purpose of electing the aforesaid offices, make and enter an order, combining any two (2) or more of the within named offices, and shall cause the said order to the published in a newspaper, published and circulated generally in said county, for a period of six (6) weeks next following the date of entry of said order.
There shall be elected in each county the following county officers:
One County Clerk, who shall be Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and Ex-officio Recorder; one Sheriff; one Treasurer, who shall be collector of the taxes, provided, that no person shall hold the office of County Treasurer for more than two (2) consecutive terms; one County Superintendent of Schools; one County Surveyor; one Assessor; one Coroner; one Public Administrator. Persons elected to the different offices named in this section shall hold their respective offices for the term of two (2) years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Vacancies in all county, township and precinct offices, except that of County Commissioners, shall be filled by appointment by the Board of County Commissioners, and the appointee shall hold his office until the next general election; provided, however, that the Board of County Commissioners of any county may, in its discretion, consolidate any two (2) or more of the within named offices and combine the powers and duties of the said offices consolidated; however, the provisions hereof shall not be construed as allowing one (1) office incumbent to be entitled to the salaries and emoluments of two (2) or more offices; provided, further, that in consolidating county offices, the Board of County Commissioners shall, six (6) months prior to the general election held for the purpose of electing the aforesaid officers, make and enter an order, combining any two (2) or more of the within named offices, and shall cause the said order to be published in a newspaper, published and circulated generally ins aid county, for a period of six (6) weeks next following the date of entry of said order.
There shall be elected in each county the following officers: One county clerk, who shall be clerk of the board of county commissioners and ex officio recorder; one sheriff ; one treasurer, who shall be collector of taxes; Provided, That no person shall hold the office of county treasurer for more than two consecutive terms; one county superintendent of schools; one county surveyor; one assessor; one coroner; one public administrator. Persons elected to the different offices named in this section shall hold their respective offices for the term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Vacancies in all county, township and precinct offices, except that of county commissioners, shall be filled by appointment by the board of county commissioners, and the appointee shall hold his office until the next general election.