Section 17.
The Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of Montana are hereby made and constituted a supervisory board over the entire administration of all the funds created or authorized by this article and the income therefrom. During January of each year, this board shall review the administration for the preceding year. It shall decide all uncertain or disputed points arising in the administration of the funds whenever requested to do so by a beneficiary, by a State Official charged with some part of the administration of the fund, or any other interested party; and it may do so upon its own initiative. It shall be the duty of the supervisory board to do and perform all acts and things that it may deem necessary in order to cause the board and officers having direct charge of these funds to administer the same carefully and wisely in full compliance with the provisions of this article and such further legislation as may be enacted relating thereto. The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be Ex-Officio Clerk of this Supervisory Board.