Articles of Amendment

Article CVIII.

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Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth is hereby amended by striking out, under the heading "GENERAL PROVISION", all of subheading "IV. Information for Voters." , as amended by section 4 of Article LXXIV of said Amendments, and inserting in place thereof the following subheading:

IV. Information for Voters.

The secretary of the commonwealth shall cause to be printed and sent to each person eligible to vote in the commonwealth or to each residence of one or more persons eligible to vote in the commonwealth the full text of every measure to be submitted to the people, together with a copy of the legislative committee's majority reports, if there be such, with the names of the majority and minority members thereon, a statement of the votes of the general court on the measure, and a fair, concise summary of the measure as such summary will appear on the ballot; and shall, in such manner as may be provided by law, cause to be prepared and sent other information and arguments for and against the measure.

This item is based on 2 items:

1918 Article XLVIII

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1944 Article LXXIV

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Redlined Comparison between 1944 and 1978 Amendment

Removed from 1944 Added to 1978
